Tuff Country 33910 - Dodge 94-01 Ram 1500 3 kit User Manual
Page 4

across on the lower coil spring pocket. This will allow
you to re-install the stock coil spring back into the
stock location at a later step. Repeat procedure on
passenger side.
7. Working on the driver side, locate the top of the stock
shock absorber stud in the engine compartment. Remove
the stock nut, retainer washer and grommet. The stock
upper shock nut, retainer washer and grommets may be
discarded. Repeat procedure on passenger side.
Illustration # 2
8. Working on the driver side, remove the stock (3) nuts
from the stock upper shock tower and discard the stock
nuts. Set the stock upper shock tower a side for later re-
installation. Repeat procedure on the passenger side.
Illustration # 3
9. Working on the driver side, remove the stock lower
shock bolt that connects the stock shock to the stock
lower mounting location. Save the stock hardware for
later re-installation. Remove the stock shock by lifting the
stock shock up through the engine compartment. The
stock shock may be discard. Special note: New longer
front shocks are needed once this suspension
system has been installed and the front shocks need
to be ordered as a separate part #. If you have not
already ordered your new front shocks, please feel
free to contact Tuff Country or your local Tuff
Country dealer and order your new front shocks. Tuff
Country recommends installing a 26” fully extended
nitrogen gas shock in the front. Repeat procedure on
the passenger side.
10. Working on the driver side, remove the stock upper
control arm from the stock frame location and the stock
axle location. Save the stock hardware. The stock upper
control arm may be discarded. Repeat procedure on the
passenger side.
11. Working on the driver side, remove the stock lower
control arm from the stock frame location and the stock
axle location. Save the stock hardware. The stock lower
control arm may be discarded. Repeat procedure on the
passenger side.
12. Working on the driver side, remove the stock brake
line bracket that is located between the stock upper and
lower control arm mounting point that is located on the
stock front axle. Save the stock hardware for later re-
installation. Let the stock brake line bracket hang. Repeat
procedure on the passenger side.
13. Carefully lower down on both hydraulic floor jacks at
the same time approximately 4”. Working on the driver
side, remove the stock coil spring from the stock location
and set a side for later re-installation. Next, remove the
stock rubber isolation pad and stock shock ring from the
stock upper shock pocket. Set the stock rubber isolation
pad a side for later re-installation. The stock shock ring
may be discarded. Repeat procedure on passenger side.
Special note: Before removal of the stock coil spring,
make sure that you scribed a mark on the stock coil
spring and the stock coil spring pocket in step # 6.
Special note: If the vehicle that you are working on
was manufactured before 09/01/01 please follow
steps # 14 — 22.
Special note: If the vehicle that you are working on
was manufactured after 09/01/01 please follow steps
# 23 — 31.
14. Locate the new lower control arms. Special note:
The new lower control arms are the longer arms that
are included in this suspension system. Also, locate
(8) PB2408 poly bushings from poly bag D3IPL. Insert
the new poly bushings into each end of the new lower
control arms. Special note: Make sure to use a lithium
or moly base grease prior to inserting the new
bushings into the new lower control arms. This will
increase the life of the bushing as well as prevent
15. Locate (4) new S10030 crush sleeves from sleeve
bag D3ISL. Insert the new S10030 crush sleeves into the
previously installed poly bushings in the new lower
control arms.
16. Locate (4) sert fitting that where packaged with the
installer copy of the instruction sheet. Carefully install the
sert fittings into each end of the new lower control arms.
Special note: Take special care not to damage the
sert fittings during installation.
17. Locate the stock lower control mounting hardware
that was removed in step # 11. Working on the driver
side, install the new lower control arm into the stock
frame mount location and secure using the stock
hardware. Make sure to use thread locker or lock tite.
Do not fully tighten at this point. On the stock front bolt
that connects the new lower control arm to the stock front
bracket, refer to the reference marks that were made in
step # 4 and re-install into the same location. Make sure
to use thread locker or lock tite. Do not fully tighten
at this point. Special note: Raising the axle to ride
height and moving the axle up and down will help
make installation of the new lower control arm a little
easier. Slight prying of the stock control arm bracket
also may be needed to make installation easier.
Repeat procedure on passenger side.
Illustration # 4
18. Locate the new upper control arms. Special note:
The new upper control arms are the shorter arms that
are included in this suspension system. Also, locate
(8) PB2408 poly bushings from poly bag D3IPL. Insert
the new poly bushings into each end of the new upper
control arms. Special Note: Make sure to use a lithium
or moly base grease prior to inserting the new