Tuff Country 24850 - Ford 91-94 Explorer 4 box kit User Manual

Page 11

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Rear end installation:

38. To begin installation, carefully block the front tires and
wheels so that the vehicle can not roll forward. Safely lift the
rear of the vehicle and support the vehicle with a pair of jack
stands. Place a jack stand on both the driver and the pas-
senger side. Next, remove the rear wheels and tires from
both sides.

39. Working on the driver side, remove the stock shock from
the stock location. The stock shock may be discarded but
save the stock upper and lower hardware. Repeat procedure
on the passenger side. New longer rear shocks are need-
ed after this suspension system has been installed and
the rear shocks need to be ordered as a separate part #.
If you have not already ordered your rear shocks, please
feel free to contact Tuff Country or your local Tuff
Country dealer and order your rear shocks. Tuff Country
recommends installing a 26” fully extended nitrogen gas
shock in the rear.

40. Working on the driver side, remove the stock u-bolts from
the stock location. The stock u-bolts and hardware may be
discarded. Save the stock lower u-bolt plate. Repeat proce-
dure on the passenger side.

41. Carefully raise up on both hydraulic floor jacks at the
same time allowing enough room for the new rear add-a-
leafs to be installed. Repeat procedure on the passenger

42. Working on the driver side and using a pair of “C” chan-
nel vise grips, clamp the stock rear springs together. Place
one towards the front of the stock centering bolt and one
towards the rear. Special note: Make sure not to clamp
the stock over load.
Repeat procedure on the passenger

43. Carefully remove the stock centering bolt from the stock
location and discard. Special note: Once the stock cen-
tering bolt has been removed, the stock over load will
fall out. Save the stock over load.
Repeat procedure on
the passenger side.

44. Locate the new rear add-a-leafs. Also, locate the new
3/8” centering bolts and nuts from hardware bag CB38.
Working on the driver side, install the new add-a-leafs into
the stock spring in order from longest to shortest. Secure
using the new 3/8” centering bolt and nuts. Tighten the new
centering bolt until all the springs come together and torque
to 40 ft lbs. Special note: Tuff Country does not recom-
mend using an air gun to tighten the nut all the way
down. Once the springs are starting to come together,
Tuff Country recommends using a hand wrench to finish
tightening the nut. If an air gun is used to tighten the
centering bolt all the way down, the centering bolt may
strip causing the springs to come apart.
Repeat proce-
dure on the passenger side.

45. Working on the driver side and using a die grinder, care-
fully cut off the excess thread from the new centering bolt.

Repeat procedure on the passenger side.

46. Carefully lower down on both hydraulic floor jacks that
are holding the rear axle until the axle make contact with the
modified stock springs.

47. Locate the correct new rear u-bolts that will fit around
your stock axle. Either (4) 1/2” x 2 3/4” x 10” round u-bolts or
(4) 1/2” x 3 1/4” x 9 3/4” round u-bolts. Also, Locate (8) 1/2”
u-bolt high nuts and (8) 1/2” u-bolt harden washers from
hardware bag 12NW. Locate the stock lower u-bolt plate.
Working on the driver side, secure the axle to the stock
spring using the correct new u-bolts, u-bolt hardware and
stock u-bolts plates. Torque to 85 ft lbs. Repeat procedure
on the passenger side.

48. Locate the new rear shocks. New longer rear shocks
are needed after this suspension system has been
installed and the rear shocks need to be ordered as a
separate part #. If you have not already ordered your
rear shocks, please feel free to contact Tuff Country or
your local Tuff Country dealer and order your rear
shocks. Tuff Country recommends installing a 26” fully
extended nitrogen gas shock in the rear.
Also, locate the
new clevis mounts that were packaged with the installer copy
of the installation manual. Working on the new shocks, install
the new bushings and proper sleeves that are packaged with
the new shocks into the lower eyelet of the new shocks. And
install the new clevis mount into the upper eyelet of the new
shocks. Special note: Make sure to use a lithium or moly
base grease prior to installing the new bushings,
sleeves and clevis mounts into the eyelets of the new
shocks. This will help with the life of the bushings as
well as prevent squeaking.

49. Locate the stock upper and lower shock mounting hard-
ware. Working on the driver side, install the new shocks into
the stock location using the stock upper and lower hardware.
Make sure to use thread locker or loctite and torque the
upper hardware to 15 ft lbs and lower hardware to 65 ft lbs.
Repeat procedure on the passenger side. Special note:
Tuff Country highly recommends installing shock boots
onto the new shocks. If shocks boots are not installed,
damage may occur to the piston of the new shock. If you
have not already ordered your new shocks boots, please
contact Tuff Country or your local Tuff Country dealer
and order some new shock boots. Tuff Country offers,
dark blue, light blue, gray, black, red or yellow shock

50. Remove both hydraulic floor jacks from under the vehi-

Special note: This kit comes with a front and rear brake
line relocation kit. Sometimes the brake line relocation
kit is not needed. Check the stock brake lines and if they
are too tight, then the new front and rear brake line relo-
cation kit will need to be installed. If the brake line relo-
cation kit does not need to be installed, please skip to
step # 54. Also, the following pictures are used from a
F150 which uses the same style brake line and brake