Tuff Country 16958 - GM 01-06 K1500 HD 4WD 6 kit User Manual
Page 10

step # 82. Working on the driver side, secure the new
rear lateral compression arm mount to the previously
drilled hole in the stock transfer case cross member. Use
the new 3/8” x 1 1/2” self threading bolt. Torque to 28 ft
lbs. Make sure to use thread locker or lock tite.
Repeat procedure on the passenger side. Special note:
Make sure that the longer leg of the new lateral
compression arm is towards the rear of the vehicle.
Refer to Photo # 20 for proper placement.
Photo # 20
84. Working on the driver side, secure the new lateral
compression arm to the previously installed rear lateral
compression arm mount. Secure using the new 1/2” x 3
1/2” bolt and hardware. Torque the front and rear mount
to 85 ft lbs. Repeat procedure on the passenger side
Photo # 21 / Front Location
Photo # 22 / Rear Location
85. Re-install the tires and wheels and carefully lower the
vehicle to the ground.
86. There is still a couple of steps that need to be
completed on the front end but these steps will not be
completed until the rear end installation is completed and
the weight of the vehicle is on the ground. These steps
include; the installation of the front sway bar end links
and the tightening of the new hardware that connects the
lower control arms to the newly installed sub frame.
Rear end installation:
87. To begin installation, block the front tires of the
vehicle so that the vehicle is stable and can’t roll forward.
Safely lift the rear of the vehicle and support the frame
with a pair of jack stands. Place a jack stand on both the
driver and passenger side. Next, remove the wheels and
tires from both sides.
88. Working on the driver side, remove the stock shock
from the stock upper and lower mounting points and save
the stock hardware for later re-installation. The stock
shocks may be discarded. Special note: New longer
rear shocks are needed, if you have not already
ordered shocks, please contact Tuff Country or your
local Tuff Country dealer and order the proper
shocks. Tuff Country recommends using a 30” fully
extended nitrogen gas shock. Repeat procedure on the
passenger side.
89. Place a pair of hydraulic floor jacks under the rear
differential and carefully raise up on both hydraulic floor
jacks at the same time until they come into contact with
the rear differential.
90. Working on the driver side, remove the stock u-bolts
from the stock location and discard the stock u-bolts and
hardware. Set the stock upper and lower u-bolt plates a
side for later re-installation. Repeat procedure on
passenger side.
16985SL. Install the new poly bushings into each end of
the new front lateral compression arms. Next, install the
new crush sleeve into the newly installed poly bushings.
Special note: Make sure to use a lithium or moly base
grease prior to inserting the new bushings and
sleeves into the new front lateral compression arms.
This will increase the life of the bushing as well as
prevent squeaking.
78. Locate (2) 1/2” x 3 1/2” bolts, (4) 7/16” USS flat
washers and (2) 1/2” unitorque nuts from hardware bag
16985NB3. Working on the driver side, secure (1) new
lateral compression arm to the new front lateral
compression arm mount on the newly installed one piece
lower sub frame using the new 1/2” x 3 1/2” bolt and
hardware. Do not tighten at this point and make sure
to use thread locker or lock tite. Repeat procedure on
the passenger side.
79. Working on the driver side, measure from the new
lateral compression arm mount located on the previously
installed one piece lower sub frame back to the center of
the stock transfer case cross member. Special note:
Chevy has a variation on the placement of the stock
transfer case cross member. Your measurement
should either be 31” or 32” long. Remember the
measurement, this measurement is needed in step #
80. Locate (2) 1/2” x 3 1/2” bolts, (4) 7/16” USS flat
washers and (2) 1/2” unitorque nuts from hardware bag
16985NB3. Also, locate (2) rear lateral compression
mounts. Working on the driver side, if the measurement
that you had in step # 79 was 31”, secure the new lateral
compression arm to the new rear lateral compression
arm mount rear hole using the new 1/2” x 3 1/2” bolt and
hardware. Do not tighten at this point. If the
measurement that you had in step # 75 was 32”, secure
the new lateral compression arm to the new rear lateral
compression arm mount front hole using the new 1/2” x 3
1/2” bolt and hardware. Do not tighten at this point.
Hold the new lateral compression arm and mount up to
the stock transfer case cross member and scribe a mark
on the transfer case cross member where the new mount
will go. Repeat procedure on the passenger side.
81. Working on the driver side, carefully drill a 5/16” hole
in the bottom of the stock transfer case cross member.
Refer to the mark that was scribe in step # 80. Repeat
procedure on the passenger side.
82. Working on the driver side lateral compression arm,
remove the new lateral compression arm mount from the
new lateral compression arm and save the new hardware
for later re-installation. Repeat procedure on the
passenger side.
83. Locate (2) 3/8” x 1 1/2” self threading bolts from
hardware bag 16985NB1. Also, locate the new rear
lateral compression arm mounts that were removed from