Telenav for Alltel Supported Devices: v5.0 for Samsung r510 User Manual

Page 40

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© TELENAV, INC. 2003-2007

PAGE 40 OF 45


The Contact menu gives you two options:

An easy way to call TeleNav GPS Navigator technical

A display of your PIN number.

Give Feedback

The Give Feedback menu gives you the following options so you can give
us your feedback about how TeleNav GPS Navigator is working for you.

Usefulness - High, Medium, or Low

Frequency - Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Less Often (less
than monthly)

Speed - Was the speed of TeleNav GPS Navigator’s
response time Fast, Average, or Slow?

Most Used - Drive To, Directory, Maps, or Other

Overall Rating - High, Medium, or Low

Submit - After you rate each of the Feedback options
listed above, select Submit to send us your feedback.


This menu option displays a screen similar to the illustration shown on the
right. It shows the exact version of TeleNav GPS Navigator that is on your

Knowing the exact version of your software may be helpful if you ever have
to call TeleNav technical support.