Running telenav gps navigator, Quick-start guide for verizon blackberry 8830 – Telenav for Verizon Supported Devices: v5.1 for BlackBerry 8830 Quick Start Guide User Manual

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Quick-Start Guide for Verizon BlackBerry 8830


Customer Support: 1-888-353-6284

4. Click


Download button on the Download Summary screen

and follow the instructions to download and install TeleNav GPS

OPTIONAL: If you choose to cancel the download and try again
later, press the Cancel button. You will lose any progress up to
this point.

Running TeleNav GPS Navigator

After the download is complete, you can run TeleNav GPS Navigator.

1. Find the TeleNav icon on the BlackBerry Main Menu and launch it.

2. The first time you attempt to launch TeleNav GPS Navigator, you

will be asked to grant access (several times). You should grant
access at each prompt.

3. You will be presented with the Language menu. Use the trackball

to choose your language preference.