Speedtech Upper Control Arm User Manual
Page 4

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P a g e
Replace the shims in the same placement that you removed them from. Tighten
down the shaft nuts.
Note: This is only a rough estimate on shim placement to get you to the
alignment shop.
8. Connect the upper ball joint to the spindle, install the new castle nut, and torque to
40 ft/lbs. Install the new cotter pin.
9. Grease control arm bushings and new ball joint. Grease other suspension
components as needed. We recommend silicon based grease, however any high
quality grease will do. Reinstall wheel, torque to recommended specs.
10. Repeat process for other side of car.
11. When finished, take the vehicle to a competent professional alignment shop to
have an alignment performed. Specs are on next page.