MJM Yachts 34z Express User Manual
Page 14

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Autopilot & Rudder
Angle Indicator
Trim Tab Switches
Engine Warning
Single Lever Throttle
and Gear Shift
Hydraulic Fluid Fill
Windlass Control
12v Cellphone Outlet
Fire Suppressant System
Horn Button
Bow Thruster Joystick
Searchlight Control
Bow Thruster
Emergency Push to
Auto Bilge Pump Controls
Windshield Wiper and
Washer Controls
GPS Plotter/Radar &
The helm control console is where most of the operation controls of the boat are located. Become
familiar with these before you need to use them. You don’t want to be looking for your glasses
and a flashlight while trying to turn on the bow-thruster at night! In addition, make sure that when
you are using the boat, even if you are not using a specific piece of equipment, that the circuit
breakers are on for any equipment you might need. Again, you don’t want to be searching for a
breaker when you need something in a hurry.
Some of the instruments on the console are powered by the ignition switch and will not function
without the key in the ON position, much like a car.
Steering of the 34z is a manual hydraulic system. The helm that you control at the console turns a
pump, which drives hydraulic steering fluid to the cylinder, mounted aft by the rudderpost. The
cylinder drives a piston that is attached to the tiller arm, which is keyed to the rudderpost. [see
steering system]
Unlike an outboard engine, the thrust of the propeller cannot be directed from
side to side. Turning forces are created by passing the propwash over the rudder. Low-speed
maneuverability feels different than an outboard boat, especially in reverse. Refer to the steering
equipment manual for instructions for purging and troubleshooting the hydraulic steering system.
If fitted, a bow-thruster can be used to greatly increase the maneuverability of the boat at slow
speeds in tight quarters around docks and slips.
Passengers on the foredeck are at risk if the thruster is engaged without
their prior knowledge.