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You should expect extended life from the tubes in your MANLEY CONVERTER and we
expect the tubes to not need replacement for many many years. We stock the tubes in these
converters should you ever need replacements (and at very reasonable prices too!). Replace
only with good quality 12AU7WA or ECC82 types.
The fuses used in your amplifier are standard 1 amp SLO-BLO types. The correctly rated
fuse has been installed at the factory for your country's voltage. If replacing a fuse, always
unplug the amplifier's power cord from the wall outlet and always use the exact same type
and ampere rating fuse as the one you are replacing. Failure to do so will void your
warranty and can be a dangerous fire hazard. NEVER replace a fuse with thick wire, tin
foil, gum wrappers, or anything else other than the correct fuse!
The LEDS provide indication relevant digital conditions. The LOCK LED will light when
the phase lock loop of the anti-jitter clock has locked onto the incoming data. The EMPH
LED will light when the source data has been pre-emphasized and the audio will be de-
emphasized. This means that in mastering the CD was boosted in the high frequencies and
that removing the same amount of high frequencies is part of the conversion process. The
CONVERTER does this all automatically but there are so few disks with pre-emphasis that
you may never see this LED lit unless the converter needs to be reset. The remaining leds
indicate sample frequency. All CDs are mastered at 44.1 so if you only use the converter
for CD reproduction the 48 and 32 LEDs should never be lit. DAT machines give the
choice of sample frequencies. Digital broadcast is generally 32 Khz. The system used for
displaying the sample frequencies requires that proper status byte data is on the data
stream. Several DAT machines do not provide stanard status bytes. This will not affect in
any way the integrity of the audio conversion but may cause the wrong LED to be lit.