Specifications – Manley STEELHEAD RC User Manual

Page 19

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Vacuum tube compliment: 6922 x 2 (gain) plus 5687 (or 7044) x 4 (output buffers)

Fuse type and ratings:

100-120 VAC: 1.5 Amp MDL slow-blow main

230-240 VAC: 0.75 Amp MDL slow-blow main

Moving Magnet input impedance: 5-step user adjustable via fixed low-noise resistors.

25, 50, 100, 200 and 47000 ohms.

Moving Coil input impedance: 5-step user adjustable via multi-tap autoformer:

25, 50, 100, 200 and 400 ohms.

Input Termination Capacitance:

Variable in 10 picofarad steps from 10 to 1100 pF.

(1.1 nF). Residual input capacitance less than 40 pF.

Gain Steps: 4-step user adjustable, 50, 55, 60 and 65 dB active gain at 1 kHz referred to FIXED

output jack, 10 k-ohm load. Additional gain available via MC step-up autoformer.

Deviation from RIAA curve: Less than +0.5 / -0.3 dB from 20 Hz to 20 kHz, any gain setting.

Typically less than +/- 1 dB from 10 Hz to 100 kHz

Inter-channel differential phase: Less than 4 degrees from 20 Hz to 20 kHz, any gain setting.

Typically less than 2 degrees.

Inter-channel differential gain: Less than +/- 0.5 dB from 20 Hz to 20 kHz, any gain setting.

Dynamic Range:

101 dB @ 1 kHz, 1% THD

200 ohm source, 47 k-ohm input, @55dB Gain

97 dB @ 1 kHz, 0.1% THD

THD: 0.0042% at 1V output @ 1kHz
REMORA RF REMOTE: controls motorized volume control functions, uses 9v battery
Maximum LINE input level: +30.6dBu @ 1kHz for an output of +29.3dBu @ 0.07% THD
26.5Vrms @ 1kHz for an output of 22.8Vrms @ 0.07% THD
Maximum Output: +27dBm @ 1KHz with 3% THD into 100Kohm load
FIXed Output impedance: 150 ohms. Minimum suggested load greater than 1500 ohms.

VARIable Output impedance:

75 ohms. Minimum suggested load greater than 600 ohms.

GAIN setting Fixed Ouptut Vari O/P

MM Noise (S+N+D) / (N+D):

50 dB:

86 dB 108dB 99dB 86dB

200 ohm source, 47 k-ohm input

55 dB:

84 dB 108dB 99dB 85dB

A-weighted Referred to 2.54 mV

60 dB: 80 dB 108dB 94dB 80dB

rms @ 1 kHz

65 dB: 75 dB 108dB 89dB 75dB

9:00 12:00 V/C FULL

MC Noise (S+N+D) / (N+D):

50 dB:

84 dB 108dB 98dB 85dB

100 ohm source, 100 ohm input

55 dB:

80 dB 108dB 95dB 81dB

A-weighted Referred to 0.5 mV

60 dB: 75 dB 108dB 90dB 76dB

rms@ 1KHz and rated input Z

60 dB: 70 dB 107dB 85dB 71dB