Connecting your amplifier – Manley 100/100 Stereo Integrated Amplifier User Manual
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Setting up your amplifier is rather easy.
1. Carefully unpack the box. The power tubes have been removed for protection in
shipping and will have to be inserted now. The tubes should be numbered from
1 to 4 and "1" should go in the furthermost left socket and 4 goes into the most
right socket. Align the protusion on the plastic on the tube base to the match-
ing notch on the tube socket. Usually some slight wiggling of the tube as it is
inserted helps to make slipping the tubes in easier. The tubes are numbered
because the amplifier was calibrated with the tubes in those positions. If the
tubes are put in the amp in random order then adjusting the bias will be neces-
sary. Regarding handwritten numbers on the tube like 200 or 370 see the note
2. Connect all source components (turntable, CD, Tuner, Tape DAT, etc.) to your
100/100 Stereo Integrated Amplifier
3. Connect the hot or "+" speaker cable to the red binding post and the common or "-
" speaker cable to the black binding post (See diagarm 2). Ensure that the other
end of the cable is connected correctly to the speaker. Tighten the binding posts
by hand. If you use a nut-driver (3/8") do not over-tighten the posts or you may
breaak the connection inside the amplifier.
4. Ensure that the "mains" switch on the front panel is in the "off" or "0" position.
5. Turn on Preamplifier and any source components you plan to use.
6. Plug amplifier into wall outlet.
7. Turn on the amplifier and allow it a minute or so to 'warm up' before playing any
audio signal.
8. Turn up the volume and enjoy.
Those handwritten numbers on the tube (typically ranging from 150 to 500) are
generated by a pre-test and batching process we do. We have a computer based
tube tester that gives us the tube's bias currents after being "burnt in". The advan-
tage is that it allows us to "batch" tubes so that the 4 we put in your amp are fairly
well matched. Absolute matching is not needed because the" bias trims" take care
of that plus the inevitatable drift as a tube ages. Perhaps in a year or maybe 5 years
you may want or need to replace 1 tube or 4. If you tell us the "number" written on
the tube, we can supply you with as many tubes similarly batched. This is particu-
larly good if you only need to replace 1 or 2 tubes.