Manley STINGRAY original version rev.2 6/2005 - 9/2009 MSTX User Manual
Page 11

The Rear Panel Controls: In the summer of 2005 we added a bunch of features to the Stingray
production version 3 that previously were available as add-on individual options. Read on to
learn how to make the most of the Stingray in your system. Please note that when we describe
an "input" we really are referring to the stereo inputs, left and right. There are two of
everything, one set for left one set for right.
Any of the four sets of stereo INPUT jacks can be used with any unbalanced RCA audio analog
outputs from your source components. They are electrically identical and only differ in how we
labeled them, keyed to suggested or typical usage. If you have balanced outputs on your source
gear, check with the manufacturer on how to best interface them with unbalanced loads. Most
balanced gear can deal with unbalanced loads by use of XLR to RCA converter plugs or
special- made XLR to RCA cables. You'll just need to check with each piece to see if it is best
to ground Pin 3 or to float it (not connect it). Transformer coupled outputs can always drive
unbalanced inputs by hooking up the XLR Pins 1&3 gorunded to the RCA shield, and XLR Pin
2 to the RCA center "hot" pin. If you have questions, check with the manufacturer.
CD-Plug in your audio outputs from your CD player or D to A Converter here. Kind of obvious.
A good spot for the main L & R signals from a DVD deck. Do not patch lines marked "digital
output", SPDIF, or AC-3 here though. Those are un-decoded digital signals and not audio (yet).
VIDEO- Audio actually, from a VCR or Laser Disc player's audio outputs. You can run your
stereo television or satellite receiver audio outputs in here. Again, watch out for AC-3, video
output, or composite video labeled RCA jacks. The Stingray accepts analog audio signals only.
TUNER INPUT- You can connect your FM/AM tuner outputs here. Another good input for a
second VCR too.
AUX- Plug your AUX in here.What is an AUX? It stands for auxiliary and basically means
"extra" so this is just an extra input for any other source that we didn't label or that you have
two of. You can use it for a tape deck playback or computer audio output, or iPod output with
an 1/8" jack to RCA cable, for instance. Whatever you like.
REC OUT / LOOP SEND- Here at the REC OUT, whatever input is selected on the input
select switch will appear here. So you can plug this Recording output into a Tape Deck or CD
Recorder or Computer Sound Card analog input to make recordings from whatever is playing
and selected on your input selector. Note that this is not a buffered output so if your tape deck
or recording device has a low input impedance, or if it does funny things like become a dead
short when it is power off, like some IC inputs on certain CD recorders we do know of, you will
load down the input to the Stingray (or short it out altogether and get no tunes!) Basically if
you hear any difference or problems when your recorder is plugged in, or if it is plugged in and
powered off and sounding weird, then we suggest that you just plug in when you are actually
recording something. You can also use this output to drive another preamplifier in another
room, for instance. Or if you wish to use another preamplifier instead of the passive one built
into the Stingray, you can drive it here and run its outputs back into the Loop return. Another
use of this Loop Send is to insert an equalizer, or an external crossover to bi-amp. You would
drive that external crossover here, and come back in to the Loop Return after the crossover.