Manley Langevin HP-100 More-Me Headphone Mixer 2/1995 - 6/ 1996 D-SUB User Manual

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gotta check your mix on phones if you care. You may be pleasantly surprised how useful they are when
you need to set up a subtle effect and the effect device is behind you and out of the sweet spot. Good
phones help zoom in on some tricky balances and layered effects. The Langevin station is great for these
applications because it is easy to MUTE when your not using your phones, it has the MONO, SIM and
STEREO switch on the stereo channels and you can check either side of a mix thru the mono inputs, and it
has balanced inputs that are probably wired to the patchbay by now. Because it has multiple inputs you can
"cue up" tapes or samples quite a bit easier and faster. Come to think of it, you might want a station in the
machine room, the lounge, and the office and the ......

Thanks for reading this and thanks for purchasing the station or system. Don't monitor too loud if

you can help it.