Introduction – Manley TAPE HEAD PREAMPLIFIERS User Manual
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for choosing the Manley and congratulations on your purchase of MANLEY LABS TUBE
TAPE PREAMP. This product is the result of continual evolution from the era when all tape
machines were vacuum tube based to the present with refinements and improvements virtually
every year. This preamp was designed to meet the extreme requirements of Mastering
Engineers and Audiophile Record Labels. Earlier versions have been used for years by many
of the most respected Mastering Studios in America as well as England and Japan. It is very
likely some of your favorite records and CDs have passed thru a Manley Tube Tape Preamp
and a Manley A to D Converter.
The preamp provides a minimal path thru maximum quality components. The amplififcation is
entirely "Class A" low noise triode vacuum tube based. The line driver is a high current, low
output impedance, high voltage design. The transformer power supply is external to minimize
hum radiation. Once the voltages are in the individual chassis they rectified, filtered, regulated
and well filtered again at all stages. These design philosophies help recover the delicate sonic
details from the tape with all the spatial and spectral infomation intact and with minimal added
noise and distortion. The Preamp combined with the Manley Hi-Z heads truly reproduces
music from tape with clarity and beauty and with solid impact and excitement.
All user adjustments are brought to the front panel. The most used controls feature high
resolution "Vernier Control Knobs". These not only provide very fine adjustment but also
repeatability required by most Mastering Engineers. The preamp has the common adjustments
for "GAIN", HIGH FREQUENCY EQ" and "LOW FREQUENCY EQ" and has unusual
adjustments for "VERY HIGH FREQUENCY" and "VERY LOW FREQUENCY" that allow
the engineer to obtain a more accurate and flexible reproduction than is normally possible.
The preamp also features switches to allow 15/30 IPS selection and polarity reversal. There is
also a provision to use of an external head preamp to feed the tube line drivers. Optimized for
the Ampex ATR series, this feature provides the user with a choice of the stock line driver or
the Manley Line Driver. There is a convenient VU meter on each preamp.
The expected improvements over stock solid state electronics include:
-Much greater rendering of acoustic details and transients.
-Wider and smoother frequency response and “liss hess”.
-Significant improvements in stereo imaging including front to back depth.
-Natural reverbs once again sound natural.
-More musical, emotionally stirring, more enjoyable sound overall.
-Cleaner and more open reproduction compared to the smeared, muddy and harsh sound
you may have gotten used to.
(The better the monitor system - the clearer the benefits.)