Accessories, Specifications, Architects and engineers specifications – AKG Acoustics CK 97-CVR User Manual
Page 3

C 391 B
SA 40 Stand adapter
A 91 Swivel joint
W 90 Foam windscreen
MK 90/3 + H 98, Extension cable and stand adapter/ hanger
VR 91 15 in. (350 mm) extension tube
VR 92 47.2 in. (1.2 meter) extension tube with short gooseneck
W 95 Metal mesh and foam windscreen filter
CK 91, 92, 93, and 94
W 90 Foam windscreen
Same as for C 391 B
CK 97-0 and CK97-C
H 40/1 Universal clamp
For SE 300 B: B 18 E Battery supply
for two capsules
N 62 E AC Power supply
H 41 Tie pin
W 97/1 Foam windscreen
(For CK 97-0)
C 97-CVR + SE 300 B:
W 97 Foam windscreen
B 18 E Battery power supply
(For CK 97-C)
N 62 E AC Power supply
W 97 Foam windscreen
H 10 Stereo bar, H 38 Shock mount
SA 38/H 38 Shock mount/stand adapter
ST 45 Table stand, ST 305 Heavy duty table stand
CK 98
W 98 Windscreen
A 91 Swivel joint
VR 91 15 in. (350 mm) angled extension tube
SE 300 B
SA 40 Stand adapter
See above
C 391 B
CK 92
CK 93
CK 94
CK 97-0
CK 97-C
CK 98
Transducer Principle:
All models prepolarized condenser capsules.
Frequency Range
20–20,000 Hz
20–20,000 Hz
20–20,000 Hz
20–20,000 Hz
20–18,000 Hz
150–18,000 Hz 150–18,000 Hz
20–20,000 Hz
Polar Pattern:
Omnidirectional Hypercardioid
Bidirectional Omnidirectional
Sensitivity at 1,000 Hz:
10 mV/Pa
10 mV/Pa
10 mV/Pa
10 mV/Pa
10 mV/Pa
12 mV/Pa
12 mV/Pa
25 mV/Pa
(-40 dBV)
(-40 dBV)
(-40 dBV)
(-40 dBV)
(-40 dBV)
(-38 dBV)
(-38 dBV)
(-32 dBV)
Equivalent Noise Level:
17 dB-A
17 dB-A
17 dB-A
22 dB-A
24 dB-A
26 dB-A
26 dB-A
17 dB-A
SPL for 1% THD:
132 dB
132 dB
132 dB
132 dB
120 dB
120 dB
120 dB
124 dB
S/N Ratio (A-weighted):
77 dB
77 dB
77 dB
72 dB
70 dB
68 dB
68 dB
77 dB
Electr. Impedance:
< 200 ohms
Load Impedance:
> 1,000 ohms
Power Requirement:
9 to 52 Vdc phantom powering for SE300B
All models XLR male output when connected to SE300B
Cable Length:
10 ft. (3 m)
10 ft. (3 m)
All models dark gray matte finish.
0.7 x 5.8 in.
0.7 x 2 in.
0.7 x 2 in.
0.7 x 2.3 in.
0.3 x 0.7 in.
0.4 x 1.0 in.
0.4 x 20 in.
0.4 x 10.2 in.
(19 x 47 mm) (19 x 52 mm)
(19 x 52 mm)
(19 x 58 mm) (7.5 x 17 mm) (11 x 25 mm) (11 x 500 mm) (19 x 260 mm)
Net/Shipping Weight:
4.2 oz. (120 g) 1.2 oz. (35 g)
1.2 oz. (35 g)
1.2 oz. (35 g)
0.1 oz. (3 g)
0.1 oz. (6 g) 3.5 oz. (100 g)
2.8 oz. (80 g)
16.6 oz. (470 g ) 6.0 oz. (170 g)
6.0 oz. (170 g)
6.0 oz. (170 g)
6.7 oz. (190 g)
6.7 oz. (190 g) 13.1 oz. (317 g)
13.8 oz. (390 g)
*With the 10-dB pad engaged, all SPL values for 1.0% THD can be raised 10 dB. Specifications measured with capsules attached to SE300B.
The microphone shall be of the condenser type with a capsule
and powering module assembly no larger than 0.75 in. (19 mm) in
diameter. For applications requiring field switchable patterns, the
capsule shall be demountable and attached by means of a half-turn
bayonet action. (Threaded capsules shall not be allowed under this
specification, because of inconvenience and the chance of cross-
threading.) The microphone shall accept phantom powering over
the nominal ranges of 12 to 48 volts and the nominal output
impedance shall be equal to or less than 200 ohms at 1 kHz. The
microphone shall provide a switchable 10 dB pre-electronics pad
for operation at high sound pressure levels, and a switchable low-
frequency cut of 12 dB-per-octave shall be provided.
The polar pattern shall be (*), and on-axis frequency response
shall be (*). Microphone sensitivity shall be at least (*) millivolts
per pascal, and the self noise floor shall be no higher than (*)
dB-A. The 1.0 % THD operating level shall be (*) dB SPL.
(Additional for C 397-CVR)
The microphone capsule shall be separated from the powering/
output module by a thin gooseneck extension at least 20 in.
(500 mm) in length. The microphone shall be the AKG Acoustics
Model SE 300 B plus the (*) capsule.
*Insert data from specifications chart.
Architects and Engineers Specifications