3 hcv825home web page – HUACAM HCV825 User Manual
Page 12

www.huacam.com 12
7. Click “Configuration”, the browser will ask credentials to authorize configuration.
8. Enter the administrator user name and password to access the Web Configuration Interface,
the default user name and password are both set to admin.
9. In step 6, IE will indicate that “This website wants to install the following add-on:
HCViewerX.cab from Huacam Networks Inc.”, allow the installation.
10. Firefox user need to download and install the plug-in to see the video, the plug-in for Firefox
is here:
Please temporarily disable Antivirus or Internet Security Software when download and install
the Huacam Firefox plug-in for video or “GSViewerX.cab” for Microsoft Internet Explorer.
3.3 HCV825Home
The Home Page of HCV825shown as Figure 1: