Bell Bike Full-Face Helmet User Manual

Page 5

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2. if you can remove the helmet by rolling it backwards far enough

to expose your forehead or forward enough to block your vision,
repeat stEp 2.

3. if, after repeating stEp 2, you can still remove the helmet, by rolling

it forward far enough to block your vision or backward enough to
expose your forehead, Do not usE this hElmEt. replace the
helmet with a smaller size.

4. if you cannot remove this helmet and it does

not roll backward far enough to expose your
forehead or forward enough to block your vision,
you have a proper fit.

remoVing THe HelmeT
1. un-thread chin strap from Double D-ring or

release buckle.

2. remove the helmet.
adJusTing and remoVing THe Visor
1. the visor is held in place by 2 screws
2. loosen both screws, adjust the visor to the

desired location and then retighten the screws.
You can use an allen key, flathead screwdriver
or a coin.

remoVing THe Visor
1. take out the screws.
2. carefully pull the visor away from the helmet.
iF you HaVe an inTegraTed camera mounT
the top vent is designed to receive both gopro


(Figure 4) and contour


(Figure 5) camera

mounting brackets. the gopro breakaway insert
can be replaced with a contour breakaway insert

Figure 4

Figure 5

(Figure 5). to replace gopro breakaway insert apply firm pressure to center
of insert and unsnap it from bracket. Firmly snap contour breakaway insert
into center of bracket.

aTTacH and remoVe camera mounT
1. snap selected bracket into the top vent as shown.
2. to remove bracket, press button and slide out bracket.
iF you HaVe a TransFer-9 camera mounT
1. attach the separate part to the top of the helmet.
2. Follow instructions above to replace gopro insert with contour

breakaway insert.

TesT ride
once you are satisfied with the fit, put on your helmet and take an
extended test ride. immediately after the test ride double-check the
positioning of the straps. if the helmet was comfortable, remained firmly
in place, the straps stayed properly adjusted, and you are satisfied with
the positioning of your visor, your helmet is ready to be used. if the helmet
felt uncomfortable, or the straps or visor need adjusting, repeat stEps 2
through 5 as necessary to correct the problem. if you are still unable to
adjust your helmet to meet these requirements, or if you have any other
problems, Do not continue to use the helmet. replace it with a different
size or model.

caring For your HelmeT
helmets can be damaged by many available cleaners,
especially petroleum based solvents. clean the helmet using a soft cloth or
sponge, warm water and mild soap.
storage: Excessive heat can damage the helmet. in direct sunlight,
dark gear bags and automobile trunks can get hot enough to cause heat