Ashland L-115 User Manual
Page 5
Model L-115
Land forming is becoming more and more important with each passing year to obtain increased
yields per acre. By leveling your fields, you are able to eliminate wet spots and low areas, thereby
enabling earlier seed bed preparation, elimination of drowning out your crop, proper cultivation
during early growth, and assured harvest of your crop at the proper time.
Land leveling permits faster travel speeds of equipment, which is very important, especially in
harvesting when getting the crop off while the weather is suitable can often mean the difference
between profit or loss.
Ashland Land Levelers are designed for maximum leveling effectiveness with a minimum of power
and expense. With proper location of blade on the long rigid box frame, positive leveling action is
obtained which is difficult to maintain in competitive makes of machines using numerous pins and
linkages to control the action of the blade.
By its very simple design and construction, the Ashland Land Leveler requires very little operating
skill. However, the following procedure should aid the operator just beginning to level.
When the land leveler is being set up, care should be taken that the blade is level with
the rear wheels. This should be checked before the unit goes out into the field. The
unit should be run over a flat slab of concrete and with the blade in a partially raised
position. A measurement should be made at each end of the blade and adjusted
accordingly. The measurement should be the same on each side. The adjustment is
made at the slotted hole in the moldboard where attached to the frame standard. With
the land leveler in ground level position, the indicator should be either bent or a
marking made accordingly to show level position on the indicator.
The field to be leveled should be plowed and disked to give your Ashland Land Leveler the effective-
ness which it is designed for. The land leveler will drag the worked up ground off the high spots in your
field and deposit it in the low spots.
If the field to be leveled has never been leveled and certain areas are quite irregular, it will be
advantageous to work over these small areas first. In doing so, it will be necessary for the operator
to control the blade with the hydraulic control to obtain the most efficient use of the machine. Due to
the length of the machine, the depth of cut will increase automatically when traveling over high sports
or rises in the field and generally it will be necessary for the operator to raise the blade slightly
depending on how large a tractor is being used. When traveling through a low area or dip in the field,
the load in front of the moldboard will empty. Some operators feel this should not occur, however, this
shows that dirt is being deposited in the low area which is the primary purpose of the land leveling.
In areas of severe irregularity, the above operation should be repeated until the desired contour of
the land is obtained. The entire field should then be gone over one or more times as desired. Once
your fields have been leveled, you will find it necessary to repeat the planing operation the following
year because the dirt deposited in the low areas will tend to settle, therefore repeated operation is