TC Sounds LMS-Ultra 5400 18 User Manual
Page 4

Warranty Includes:
All manufacture defects
All obvious cosmetics
Improperly glued surrounds, suspensions, formers or misaligned coils
Detached or unglued surrounds
Broken cones from any forces from the driver itself not related to the impact of bottoming
out the voice coil
Voice coils that collide with the gap or t-yoke under normal conditions where no preexisting
abuse has occurred
Alignment of the voice coil or top assemblies/motors which don't fit each other
Motor glues
Not Covered By Warranty:
Misuse or over excursion
Thermal abuse to the voice coil or glues around the voice coil
Thermal abuse to the lead wires on the spiders
Mechanical damage due to over excursion or excessive acceleration
Dents in the cone from bottoming out the driver or inadvertent force
Spider sag due to gravity in a down or up firing position for long periods of time
Damage due to moisture
Shipping damages
Cosmetic damage
Consequential damage on other components
For technical or service support please visit or send us an email at
[email protected]. Proof of purchase will be required for return authorization. If your driver
has a detachable top assembly and damage is not covered by warranty, a new replacement top
assembly can be purchased from any TC Sounds authorized dealer or from TC Sounds directly.
Phone Numbers
Business phone: (619) 955-5646
Business fax: (619) 955-5646
4168 Poplar Street, Suite F
San Diego, CA 92105