American Water Heater SSY62-80H-ACE2 User Manual
Solar electric packagedsystem

*For complete warranty information consult the written warranty of American Water Heaters found at, or call (800) 456-9805.
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Copyright© by American® Water Heaters 2010. All rights reserved.
Solar Electric
NRVSS00110 R July 2010
6-Year Limited Tank/ 10-Year Limited Solar Collector Warranty/2-Year Controls Warranty*
Model shown
ENERGY STAR® qualified
Eligible for Tax Credit:
Through 2016, these units are eligible
for a Federal Tax Credit of 30% of
the total installation cost.
Proudly partnered with Chromagen to provide
solar thermal collectors.
The Solar Electric Packaged System from American is the latest
advancement in solar water heating. With the solar water
heating system, American provides everything under the sun
needed for a comprehensive solar installation, allowing for quick
and easy specification and installation. Properly sized solar water
heating systems can provide up to 70% of the energy needed for
water heating directly from the sun.
The system comes complete with tank, pump station, solar
collectors, automatic air vent, mounting hardware for shingled
roof, roof flashing, thermostatic mixing valves, expansion tank
with mounting kit, tank and collector temperature sensors
(includes 75 ft. lead wire), and propylene glycol (Dow Frost™).
Copper plumbing and pipe insulation not included.
Solar Pump Station
• 20” tall x 10” wide x 5” deep, 120v wall mounted with Integrated Controls -
includes pump, controller, isolation valves, fill and drain valves, check valves,
temperature gauges, pressure gauge, solar loop pressure relief valve, flow
meter, and air stripper - all in an enclosed, insulated assembly.
• SRCC Certified for OG-100 (with OG-300 pending) - required for most
federal, state and local rebate programs.
• 2.5 to 4.0 Solar Energy Factor (SEF) Ratings (based on 80 gallon tank /
2 panel configuration).
Solar Collectors
• Glazed plate solar collectors with selective paint absorber coating, black
aluminum frame, utilizes copper tube with aluminum absorber, tempered
glass cover.
Collector Hardware Package
• A complete kit for mounting solar collectors – for flat mount shingled roof
(additional options for varying roof styles are available as accessories).
Storage Tank Features
• Diffuser dip tube helps reduce sediment buildup for maximum efficiency.
• Factory-installed, CSA certified and ASME rated T&P relief valve.
• Choice of tank size (80 or 119 gallons), choice of 2 or 3 solar collectors, choice
of single or double wall heat exchange solution (applications may be
determined by local code).
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