ARCHOS DVr stAtioN User Manual

Page 9

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DVr stAtioN

User ManUal - version 1

controlling yoUr archos

Use the remote control to control your ARCHOS while it is connected to the DVR Station (see

1.3. Description of the DVR Station to learn how to use the remote control).

If you don’t have your remote control handy, you can also use
the ARCHOS touchscreen to control your ARCHOS. When you
switch the display to the TV screen, your ARCHOS LCD screen
will turn off, but you will still be able to use it as a touchpad:

Tap on the top left corner to go directly to the Home
screen (same as the Home button

on the remote

Tap on the top right corner to display available menu
items (same as the Menu button on the remote
Slide your finger along the right edge to scroll up and
down your list of item.

The rest of the ARCHOS touchscreen can be used as a touchpad to move the cursor.

Note: Holding down on the screen will activate the “drag” mode, and a little hand will replace the cursor arrow. This will allow
you to move sliders or other dragging controls.

accessing the dVr station’s other fUnctions

When you connect the ARCHOS to the DVR Station, the “


” Home menu icon (on the bottom left of the

Home Screen) will turn into a “

DVR Station

” icon. You can use its submenu functions to:

switch the display between the ARCHOS screen and the TV.
access the Video and Audio recorders if you want to make manual recordings.
access the contents of your USB compatible device or remove it safely, before unplugging from the

usb a
