Part 3. configure, Chapter 5. exporting and importing users, M.17 biometric password managers – APC BIOM34-EC User Manual
Page 15

Switch User Identity -- To switch identities at any time,
right-click the OmniPass system tray icon and click
User Identity from the submenu. The Switch Identity dialog
will appear. Select the desired identity and then click
3.7 Identities and Password Management
On the
Manage Passwords interface of the Vault Management tab
of the OmniPass Control Center, there is a pull-down selection
box labeled,
Identity. This field lets you choose which identity
you are managing passwords for. When you select an identity
here, only those password protected dialogs that are associated
with that identity are shown. You can perform all the functions
explained in Chapter 3.5 Password Management.
Chapter 4. File and Folder Locking
(File Encryption)
To protect yourself from theft or unauthorized viewing of
sensitive material, OmniPass allows you to securely lock files
or entire folders on your machine. These files are locked with
a method called encryption, in which the data are converted to
a form that unauthorized users cannot read. Once encrypted,
the files can only be unlocked, or decrypted with your master
password or enrolled hardware security device.
OmniPass encrypted files will have the extension ".opf". You
can always search your hard drive for *.opf to find all OmniPass
encrypted files. We recommend that you dedicate a new folder
in which to put all your OmniPass encrypted files. OmniPass
encrypted folders take the name of the original folder but end
in ".opx".
4.1 Encrypting Files or Folders
To encrypt a file or folder, right-click the file or folder that you
would like to prevent unauthorized access to. Click
Encrypt File(s) in the contextual menu. OmniPass will prompt
you to authenticate.
If a folder containing multiple files is encrypted, a window will
appear with a list of the files in the folder and their encryption
status. Click
OK when encryption is complete.
There are certain folders that cannot be encrypted because it
would have a negative impact on your system and your installed
programs. The contents of
C:\Windows and C:\Program Files
cannot be encrypted, nor can the folder where OmniPass is
installed be encrypted.
4.2 Decrypting File or Folders
To decrypt a file or folder, right-click the file or folder to which
you would like to regain normal access. Click
OmniPass Decrypt
File(s) from the contextual menu. OmniPass will prompt you to
OmniPass Decrypt File(s) will not be available if the
files are already encrypted, or if they are system files, unable to
be encrypted.
Other ways to decrypt files are to right-click them and select
Open, or double-click the files. Both of these actions will cause
OmniPass to prompt you to authenticate. They will remain
decrypted unless you decide to encrypt them again.
If you encrypt a folder containing multiple files, all the contained
files will be encrypted. Files you copy or move to the encrypted
folder will also be encrypted. You can open and edit the contents
of these files, and so long as they stay in the encrypted folder,
when you close and save these files they will automatically be
encrypted. To decrypt a file contained in an encrypted folder
right-click it and select
Decrypt To…; select a location to which
the decrypted file will be saved and click
OK. A copy of the file
will be decrypted to the target directory. The original encrypted
file will remain in the encrypted folder.
4.3 OmniPass Encrypted File Sharing
Once you have encrypted a file or folder, you have prevented
anyone from viewing the contents without first decrypting
the file or folder. OmniPass allows you to selectively share
your encrypted files with other enrolled OmniPass users.
To share an encrypted file or folder with another OmniPass
user, right-click the encrypted resource and select
Sharing… from the contextual menu. OmniPass will prompt
you to authenticate.
Upon successful authentication, the
OmniPass Encrypted File
Sharing dialog automatically opens (see Figure 37). Select the
OmniPass user with whom you want to share this encrypted
file or folder. Click
Add User(s), and click OK. The encrypted
resource has been shared.
NOTE: Sharing an OmniPass encrypted file effectively gives full
control of the shared resource to whomever you shared it with.
The users with whom you share these files can open, copy,
delete, and modify all files you share. They can also remove you
from the list of authorized OmniPass users, effectively taking
control of the encrypted resource away from you.
4.4 Encrypted Files
Files that are encrypted by OmniPass have a new icon. These
files cannot be accessed until they are decrypted. Icons of
encrypted folders are also updated with a lock graphic
4.5 A Special Warning for those who Encrypt …
If you are reading this then you are taking steps to safeguard
your information. You will probably start encrypting your
files with OmniPass soon (if you haven't already). IMMEDIATELY
export your current user profile (the one you have used and
are going to use to encrypt) and save it on SEVERAL floppy
disks and perhaps some places on your hard disk. Email it to
yourself and save it in your Inbox.
If your system crashes (or you mistakenly remove or overwrite
OmniPass), and you do not have the OmniPass user profile
that encrypted all you archived data files, THEN YOU WILL
Creating another OmniPass user with the same name and
password and settings will not do. It will not be the same user
profile that you created before.
Part 3. Configure
If Part 2 could be viewed as a "Getting Started Guide" then this
part can be viewed as an "Administrators' Guide". This part
will give an overview of both the Export/Import function and
the OmniPass Control Center. Much of what is discussed in
this part could be considered customization of OmniPass.
Customizations can be made on a per-user basis, or globally.
Authentication rules will be discussed; in OmniPass,
authentication rules can be configured so as to require very
stringent levels of authentication (Multi-Factor Authentication
Chapter 5. Exporting and Importing Users
Using the OmniPass Control Center, you can export and import
users in and out of OmniPass. The export process backs up all
remembered sites, credentials, and any enrolled fingerprints
for an OmniPass user. All OmniPass data for a user is backed
up to a single encrypted database file. During the import
process, the Windows login of the exported user is required.
If the proper credentials cannot be supplied, the user profile
will not be imported.
NOTE: You can, and should periodically export your user
profile and store it in a safe place (e.g. on several floppies).
Should anything happen to your system, you can import your
OmniPass profile on your new system and have all your
remembered sites, custom OmniPass settings, and enrolled
fingerprints instantly. You would even be able to decrypt files
that you had encrypted with that user profile (see 4.5).
5.1 Exporting an OmniPass User Profile
To export an OmniPass user open the OmniPass Control Center,
and click
Import/Export User under Manage Users.
Exports an OmniPass user profile. OmniPass will prompt you
to authenticate. Upon successfully authentication, you must
name the OmniPass user profile and decide where to save it.
An .opi file is generated, and you should store a copy of it in a
safe place.
Biometric Password Managers