Your telephone rings with the door bell rhythm, The door bell rings, G (f) 2 g – Auerswald 2206 USB User Manual
Page 21: G (f) 1 g, Cb g, Y b f (**) t g

If you use an analog telephone as an internal subscriber tele-
phone where the „finishing of a Conference and back to Alter-
nation“ is executed via T-Net function key/menu, you can also use this
comfortable operation (see manual of the telephone).
In order to „finish a Conference selectively“ this function must
be supported via function key or via menu by the ISDN tele-
phones (e.g. with „Alternation“ or „single connection“; see manual of the
If your PBX was extended with a door/switch module and a door termi-
nal was connected, you will be able to call the door terminal via any tel-
The telephone rings: If the „door ringing“ is activated on your tele-
phone, the ringing of a visitor will be signalled on your telephone. Then
you can take the door terminal call like any other call
The door bell rings: When you hear your door bell ringing, you are able
to call the door terminal via any telephone. The connection is set right
after having dialled the telephone number. If you are already in a call,
start a Query.
The visitor has not pressed the Door bell key: When you hear your
door bell ringing, you are able to call the door terminal via any tele-
phone. The connection is set right after having dialled the telephone
Open the door: During a door call with a visitor in front of the door ter-
minal you are able to activate the door opener by dialling a sequence of
Change to another door: If you called one of both door terminals, but
nobody takes the call, you are able to switch simply to the other door
terminal by dialling a sequence of digits - if this door terminal is not busy.
This is not a Query. The first door terminal is not put on hold in the back-
ground but available for calls.
With the „internal Call Forwarding from door terminal“ a bell
rhythm for door terminal calls as well as the duration of the ring-
ing can be configured with the configuration program. If the „internal Call
Forwarding from door terminal“ for the corresponding telephone is
switched off, this telephone will ring as long and as often as the visitor
presses the door bell key.
The receiver has to be taken within 30 seconds (in case of „internal Call
Forwarding from door terminal“ the duration is configurable in the con-
figuration program) after the last door bell ringing signal. If this is not the
case, you have to call the door terminal (next chapter).
If the „door bell signalisation“ via configuration program is switched on,
you will hear 1 to 4 short tones after picking up the receiver. This signals
the origin of the call from the 1st to 4th door bell key (COMpact 4410
USB: The door keys on the module slot C have the numbers 3 and 4).
If a telephone has been configured as door telephone with the
configuration program COMset, you will be connected immedi-
ately with the door terminal after picking up the receiver.
Talk alternately with both Calling Partners (Alternation)
g (F)
2 g
Put 1st calling partner into the background (same
condition as before Conference)
(ignore with pulse dial)
Query call No. 2 (as before the Conference)
g (F)
1 g
Put 2nd calling partner into the background (before
Conference in a Query call)
(ignore with pulse dial)
call No. 1 (on hold before the Conference)
Talking to a Visitor at the Door (Door Terminal Call)
Your Telephone rings with the Door Bell Rhythm
Accept door terminal call
door bell ringing
within 30 seconds (duration is configurable in case of
„internal Call Forwarding from door terminal“)
door conversation
The Door Bell rings
Y b f (**) t
Call door terminal
door bell rings
internal dial tone
(for Direct Exchange
Line Telephone only)
telephone number of the door terminal
door conversation