7•14es – Alto-Shaam Combitherm 7.14ES Series User Manual

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Standard Control
The Combitherm standard control includes all operational functions shown

to steam, bake, and roast by time or internal product temperature. The

control features the Gold-n-Brown

automatic browning function, a Retherm

Mode for plate regeneration, plus a wide variety of auxiliary functions and

operational settings. This control is offered for operators that do not require

programming capability.

Deluxe Control (optional)

The Combitherm deluxe control includes all the operational functions of

the standard control and adds a programming function. Program memory can

accept up to 250 procedures, each with up to 20 steps in any combination of

cooking modes. The deluxe control also features a set of 8 Rapid-Touch™ keys

to assign frequently used programs to cook at the touch of a single button.

S-Control (optional)

The Combitherm S-Control includes all basic combination oven operational

modes with the use of rotary dials. The S-Control also features the

Gold-n-Brown™ automatic browning function, an automatic cleaning setting, an

oven cool-down function, and a half-speed fan position. S-Control models can

also be furnished with a Core Temperature option package.






Steam Mode
• Automatic steaming at 212°F (100°C).

• Quick steaming between 213°F and 248°F (101°C and


• Low temperature steaming between 86°F and 211°F (30°C

and 99°C) – for poaching or proofing.

Combination Mode
• Combines steam and convection modes for faster

preparation and better moisture retention.

• Improves yield, quality and shelf life.

• Automatic humidity control.

• Temperature range of 212°F to 482°F (100°C to 250°C).

Convection Mode
• Cooking, roasting, baking and finishing applications at a

temperature range of 86°F to 482°F (30°C to 250°C).

Retherm Mode
• Bulk food or plated meal reheating with automatic

steam injection.

• Automatic humidity control.

• Temperature range of 248°F to 320°F (120°C to 160°C).

Core Temperature Mode
• Removable single-point probe monitors cooking time and

core food temperature.


• An automatic browning function to be set or programmed

as needed to add additional product color in the

combination or convection mode of operation.

Smoking Function (optional on ESi versions only)

• Patented Alto-Shaam technology (U.S. Pat. 7,157,668)

• Smoke any product, hot or cold, utilizing real wood chips.

• Full mode function without smoke or residual

smoke flavor.

• Functions in both combination and convection mode.

• Function can programmed into deluxe model

operating procedure.




Stacked Electric Combitherm

Combination Oven/Steamer



#460 - 05/08

Due to ongoing product improvement, specifications are subject to change without notice.

Factory Installed Options:
(may require additional lead time)
Smoking Function

(U.S. Pat. 7,157,668)

Top Oven

Bottom Oven

ESi models only. No charge when requested at the time of

order. Includes a sample bag of wood chips.

Recessed Door

Top Oven

Bottom Oven

Increases oven width by 4" (102mm)

Left-Hand Door Swing

Single-point removable temperature probe [5005679]

Top Oven

Bottom Oven

Optional on S-Control ovens, included on Standard

and Deluxe control ovens.

Multi-point, hard-wired internal product
temperature probe

Not available on

S-control ovens

Top Oven

Bottom Oven

Computer Software Options [5005676]

Not available on S-Control Models. Refer to HACCP

specification sheet #9015 for applicable part numbers

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HACCP Documentation with Kitchen

Wireless HACCP Documentation with Kitchen