Self clean, Caution, For both the upper & lower oven) – LG LDE3011ST User Manual
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(For both the Upper & Lower oven)
7KHVHOIFOHDQF\FOHXVHVDERYHQRUPDOFRRNLQJWHPSHUDWXUHVWRFOHDQWKHRYHQFDYLW\ VPRNHDQGVPHOODQRGRUWKHILUVWIHZWLPHVWKHRYHQLVFOHDQHG7KLVLVQRUPDODQGZLOOOHVVHQLQWLPH6PRNH may also occur if the oven is heavily soiled. During self clean, the kitchen should be well ventilated to minimize WKHRGRUVIURPFOHDQLQJ7KH833(5 /2:(56(/)&/($1FDQQRWEHRSHUDWHGVLPXOWDQHRXVO\ O P E R AT I N G I N S T RU C T I O N S Before a Self Clean Cycle We recommend venting your kitchen with an open window or using a ventilation fan or hood during the first self clean cycle. cookware, and aluminum foil or any other material from the oven. NOTE: It is normal for smoke to occur during self clean. Make sure the room is well ventilated before running a self clean cycle. During a self clean cycle in either the upper or lower oven the cooktop elements can not be used. If running a self clean in one of the ovens the other oven can not be used.Self clean can only be run in one oven at a time. NOTE: 5HPRYHRYHQ racks and accessories before starting the self clean cycle. ,IRYHQUDFNVDUHOHIWLQWKHRYHQFDYLW\GXULQJWKH self clean cycle, they will discolor and become difficult to slide in and out. &OHDQWKHIUDPHRIWKHRYHQDQGGRRUZLWKKRWVRDS\ ZDWHU5LQVHZHOO 'RQRWFOHDQWKHJDVNHW7KHILEHUJODVVPDWHULDORI the oven door gasket cannot withstand abrasion. It is essential for the gasket to remain intact. If you notice it becoming worn or frayed, replace it. :LSHXSDQ\KHDY\VSLOORYHUVRQWKHRYHQERWWRP 0DNHVXUHWKHRYHQOLJKWEXOEFRYHULVLQSODFHDQG the oven light is off. CAUTION '2127OHDYHVPDOOFKLOGUHQXQDWWHQGHGQHDU the appliance. 'XULQJWKHVHOIFOHDQLQJF\FOHWKHRXWVLGHRIWKH range can become very hot to touch. 0RYH%LUGVWRDQRWKHUZHOOYHQWLODWHGURRP to the fumes given off during the Self Cleaning cycle of any range. '2127OLQHWKHRYHQZDOOVUDFNVERWWRPRU any other part of the range with aluminum foil or any other material. 'RLQJVRZLOOGHVWUR\KHDWGLVWULEXWLRQSURGXFH poor baking results and cause permanent damage to the oven interior (aluminum foil will melt to the interior surface of the oven). '2127IRUFHWKHGRRURSHQ system. Use care when opening the oven door after the Self Cleaning cycle. Stand to the side of the oven when opening the door to allow hot air RUVWHDPWRHVFDSH7KHRYHQPD\VWLOOEH9(5< +27 CAUTION 7KHRYHQEURLOHOHPHQWPD\DSSHDUWRKDYH FRROHGDIWHULWKDVEHHQWXUQHG2))7KHHOHPHQW may still be hot and burn may occur if this element is touched before it has cooled sufficiently. No limpie a mano la junta de la puerta del horno. Elimine cualquier resto existente en la puerta.