Argus Camera ARGUS A User Manual
Page 37

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This new carrying case affords perfect protection for your Argus and is always
ready for instant action without removal of camera. Is rich in appearance and most
practical for quick shots. Made of genuine hand finished deep grained cowhide and
fitted with black leather neck strap. Net weight of case is 6½ ounces. See the comments
about the case listed above.
Carrying Case Safety Screw
Part No. X-3
Original Cost 30¢
Now available for use in anchoring the Argus camera with greater safety in either
the De Luxe Carrying case or the “Redycase”. This is a threaded stud with large
knurled head which can be inserted in tripod socket to prevent the possibility of camera
accidentally falling out of case. These are common to all cameras which have a tripod
socket and fit into a case.
Other Accessories
Fig. 6-3: (From left to right) Two light meters, two cable releases, a tripod, and a self-timer.
Besides the standard Argus accessories described above, there are several other
pieces of equipment that help make the Argus more flexible and fun.
Light Meter
This is not so much an accessory as a necessity. Light meters help the
photographer to select the proper aperture and shutter speed for the picture. There are
many types of light meters, and they range in price and quality. Even a cheap model,
however, will get be accurate enough to produce a serviceable picture.
The Extinction Meter on the A2Bs and A2F, for example, relies on the eye’s
interpretation of darkness and the photographer’s decision of what is BRIGHT or