Air-O-Swiss AOS 7131 User Manual
Page 15

is used. An indication of when the DMC needs to be
changed can be white dust or reduced amount of mist
Is it ok to use distilled water with the unit?
A. Yes, it is fine to use distilled water with the unit. If
distilled water is used, it will prolong the life of the
I just replaced the contents of the cartridge and
now have granules everywhere.
A. First, make sure there are no granules in the middle
of the cartridge. Placing granules in the middle of the
DMC allows them to escape everywhere. Immedia
tely turn off the unit, and empty the water out of the
base and the water tank. Begin removing all granules
from base and water tank. Use brush to clean around
For refilling the DMC, wad a piece of paper or paper
towel and place in the middle of the DMC. For placing
granules in the cartridge, a suggestion is to use a
spoon so that no granules get in the middle of the
Caution: Do not dispose of granules in sink! Used gra
nules must go in waste!
The directions tell me not to place the unit directly
on the floor, why do I have to elevate the unit?
A. The idea with this unit is to allow one to force more
humidity into the air than is needed. Because of this,
the carpeting or wood floor surrounding the unit may
become damp. If the unit is placed at least 2 feet off
the floor, the mist will have the opportunity to evapo
rate before hitting the floor.