Asus A7N8X-VM User Manual
Page 52

Chapter 2: BIOS information
Full Screen Logo [Enabled]
When [Enabled], MyLogo is displayed instead of the POST messages. Setting to
[Disabled] displays the normal POST messages. Configuration options: [Disabled]
Make sure that the above item is set to [Enabled] if you wish to use the
ASUS MyLogo2 feature. See MyLogo2 details on page 3-8.
AddOn ROM Display Mode [Force BIOS]
This field sets the display mode for option ROM. Configuration options: [Force
BIOS] [Keep Current]
Bootup Num-Lock [On]
This field selects the power-on state for the NumLock key. Configuration options:
[Off] [On]
PS/2 Mouse Support [Enabled]
This sets the PS/2 mouse support. Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]
Typematic Rate [Fast]
This field configures the typematic rate of the keyboard. Configuration options:
[Slow] [Fast]
System Keyboard [Present]
This allows you to enable or disable all the keyboards attached to the system.
Configuration options: [Absent] [Present]
Parity Check [Disabled]
This field enables or disables the memory or parity error checking feature.
Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]
Boot to OS/2 [No]
This field sets compatibility mode to OS/2 operating system. Configuration options:
[No] [Yes]
Wait for ‘F1’ If Error [Enabled]
This field sets whether to wait for F1 key to be pressed if an error occurs.
Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]
Hit ‘Del’ Message Display [Disabled]
This field toggles the display of “Press DEL to run Setup”. Configuration options:
[Disabled] [Enabled]
Interrupt 19 Capture [Disabled]
When [Enabled], it allows option ROMs to trap interrupt 19. This is required by
some PCI cards that provide a ROM based setup utility. Configuration options:
[Disabled] [Enabled]