ARCHOS XS series User Manual

Page 6

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The top status bar indicates the status and play settings that you have given. See section 5.2 for a description of each of the Playmode settings.

Play Status

Play Order


(no icon) Play once

Playing a track

Shuffle (Random) track selection

Current track is paused

Repeat playing


Playback Menu Items

When the menu icon appears, you have certain options. During song playback, press the
MENU button for the following options.

Setup: Enters the Setup screen (same as selecting the Setup icon in the main menu) which allows
you access to parameters such as bass and treble.

Edit Playlist: Enters the playlist editor (see below for how to use playlists).

ARCLibrary: Allows you to browse through your ARCLibrary while listening to the current song.

Set Bookmark: Set a bookmark at the current position within the audio file. See section 3.7 below.


ARCLibrary Specifics

The ARCLibrary is a system for choosing your music by its characteristics. It can be turned On or Off in the
settings from Setup > Playmode. As shown in this screen capture here, you can select your music by Artist,
Album, Song Title, Genre, or Year. MP3 and WMA music files have internal data tags to hold information about
the song. For MP3 files, these are known as ID3 tags. Not all MP3 files have all this information filled in. If you
purchase a song from a music download service, the songs will have this information. If you have an MP3 or
WMA file without this tag information, then you can add or change it by going to the properties of the file in


Explorer. Once you update the ARCLibrary, you will have access to all newly copied music via the

ARCLibrary. The ARCLibrary indexes all the music and playlists that it finds in the folders Music and Playlists
by using the tag information in each song. Thus, you should never delete the folders Music or Playlists. If a
song does not have tags, it will be put into the category .

ATTENTION: Changing the ARCLibrary ON/OFF parameter will only take effect after the next restart of the Gmini XS.


ARCLibrary Updating

When you transfer music to your Gmini from your computer, it goes directly to the Gmini hard disk without the ARCLibrary knowing about the
new song. Thus, in order for your new songs to be indexed into the ARCLibrary for you to choose from, you must update it with the Update
button as in the Setup > Playmode screen. You can do this right after disconnecting your Gmini from your computer.

A message screen will appear indicating that it is updating the ARCLibrary contents.


Setting a Bookmark

If you are listening to a song, or perhaps a long recording, and would like to place a bookmark in it in order to pick up from this point
at another time, you can use the Bookmark function. While listening to the audio recording, simply click on the MENU button, then
choose Set Bookmark. This will set a bookmark in the audio file at the current position. You can only set one bookmark per file.
When you look at the file in your browser, it will have a small mark on its icon indicating that this file has a bookmark set within it.

You can have a maximum of 16 files bookmarked. Setting more bookmarks will then start to erase the oldest bookmarks. The next time you play
the audio file, you will be presented with two options:

Resume: Start playing from the bookmarked position.

Ignore: Keep the bookmark but start playing from the very beginning.

To clear a bookmark from a file, highlight the file and use the MENU button to choose clear bookmark.


The Resume Function

When you turn on your Gmini you will sometimes notice that the icon which is highlighted on the main screen is not the Browser
but rather the Resume icon. This icon is highlighted when the Gmini XS can resume the last played audio file.