Chapter 1 introduction, Welcome to mix 51, System requirements – Avid Technology PRO TOOLS MIX 51 User Manual

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Chapter 1


Welcome To Mix 51

Mix 51 is a suite of 5.1 surround
panning and mixing plug-ins for Pro
Tools LE and M-Powered systems
with six or more outputs such as
Mbox 2 Pro, 002, 003, and M-Audio
interfaces such as the Delta 1010 or
FireWire 410 or for use with stereo
output systems such as Mbox
connected to a 5.1 Pro Logic™ II
decoding system. Unlimited Mono
and Stereo Panner plug-ins can be
placed on track inserts to pan, mix,
and send to the Mix 51 Surround
Mixer busses. The Mix 51 Surround
Mixer plug-in provides 30 channels
of outputs grouped as three, 5.1
main busses and three, quad send
busses so you can easily manage
dialog, music, FX, and quad reverb
send submixes. Both the Mix 51
Surround Panner and Surround
Mixer feature fully automatable
controls which can be migrated to
Pro Tools HD systems for
compatibility with world-class
surround mix facilities.

The Mix 51Surround Mixer Plug-in

• RTAS surround mixing to three

5.1 summing busses and three
quad summing busses for a total
of 30 mix bus channels.

• Automatable volume, mute, and

solo controls for each main and
send output bus.

• Volume, mute, and solo

automation compatible with Pro
Tools HD systems version 7.2
and later.

• Output level metering.
• Outputs conveniently appear as

track “plug-in” inputs

• Stereo LtRt Downmix output that

is compatible with 5.1 Pro Logic II
home theater systems.

The Mix 51 Surround Panner Plug-in

• Unlimited number of RTAS mono

and stereo panners (limited by
RTAS system usage).

• RTAS 5.1 surround panning and

mixing to one of three 5.1 main

• RTAS quad surround panning

and mixing to one of three quad
effect send busses.

• Volume, mute, solo, send level,

output bus, and output send bus
automation compatible with Pro
Tools HD systems version 7.2
and later.

Input and output level metering

System Requirements

To use Neyrinck Mix 51, you need
the following system:
• A Digidesign-qualified Pro Tools

LE/M-Powered or HD system
running Pro Tools 7.0 or later.

• Pro Tools LE/M-Powered I/O

interface with six or more outputs