C. dryer enclosure requirements – American Dryer AD-120ES User Manual
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Even though a 12-inch clearance is acceptable, it is recommended that the rear of the dryer be positioned
approximately two (2) feet (24-inches) from the nearest obstruction (i.e., wall) for ease of installation, mainte-
nance, and service. Bulkheads and partitions should be made from noncombustible materials. The clearance
between the bulkhead header and the dryer must be a minimum of 4-inches and must not extend more than 4-
inches to the rear of the dryer front. The bulkhead facing must not be closed in all the way to the top of the dryer.
A 2-inch clearance is required.
NOTE: Bulkhead facing should not be installed until after dryer is in place. Ceiling area
must be located a minimum of 12-inches above the top of the dryer.
IMPORTANT: Even though a minimum of only 12-inches is required, 18-inches or more is
suggested, for steam dryers and especially in cases where sprinkler heads are
over the dryers.
NOTE: When fire sprinkler systems are located above the dryers, a minimum of 18-inches
above the dryer console (module) is suggested. Dryers may be positioned side wall
to side wall however, 1 or 2-inches is suggested between dryers (or wall) for ease of
installation and maintenance. Allowances must be made for the opening and closing
of the control and lint doors.