UEi Test Instruments M1K User Manual
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Battery Replacement
The internal 1.5V battery affects only the OHMS function. It should be
replaced when it is no longer possible to zero the pointer with the
“OHM ADJ” control. Remove battery if the M1K is not to be used for a
long period of time. Remove single screw in rear of case for access to
battery. Observe polarity.
Mechanical Zero Adjust
The pointer should indicate 0 at the left hand edge of the scale with no
input and the M1K placed face up on a flat surface.
To reset pointer, carefully adjust clear plastic screw located in meter face.
S p e c i f i c a t i o n s
Optional Accessories
Test leads (set) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ATL85
Alligator clip adapters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .AAC
Battery 1.5V, size “AA” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .AB1
dB Ratio Measurement
For some applications, output voltage and audio frequency voltage are
measured in terms of decibels. To measure decibels read the dB arc after
proceeding to instructions for AC voltage. The dB scale is ca l i b rated for
direct reading when the selector switch is set to the 10 V AC ra n g e .
Testing Diodes / Transistors
A simple check of diode and transistor quality may be made with the
M1K. using the same test procedure as for measuring resistance, connect
one test lead to one end of the diode and the other test lead to the other
end of the diode. Note the resistance reading. Then reverse the test leads
and again note the reading.
If the two readings differ by a factor of ten then the diode, (or tra n s i s t o r
junction) is probably good. If the two readings are approximately the
same then the diode is shorted. If the reading cannot be obtained in
either direction, the diode is probably open.
M a i n t e n a n c e
Periodic Service
Repair and service of this instrument is to be performed by qualified
personnel only. Improper repair or service could result in physical
degradation of the meter. This could alter the protection from
electrical shock and personal injury this meter provides to the
operator. Perform only those maintenance tasks that you are
qualified to do.
These guidelines will help you attain long and reliable service from
your meter:
• Calibrate your meter annually to ensure it meets original
performance specifications
• Keep your meter dry. If it gets wet, wipe dry immediately.
Liquids can degrade electronic circuits
• Whenever practical, keep the meter away from dust and dirt
that can cause premature wear
• Although your meter is built to withstand the rigors of daily use,
it can be damaged by severe impacts. Use reasonable caution
when using and storing the meter
Periodically clean your meter’s case using a damp cloth. DO NOT use
abrasive, flammable liquids, cleaning solvents, or strong detergents as
they may damage the finish, impair safety, or affect the reliability of the
structural components.
Clean the input terminals as follows:
1. Turn the meter off and remove all test leads.
2. Shake out any dirt that may be in the terminals.
3. Soak a new swab with alcohol and work the swab around in
each terminal.
P. 2
AC Voltage
±5% of full scale 0 - 10, 50, 250, 500V
DC Voltage
±4% of full scale 0 - 2.5, 10, 50, 250, 500V
Direct Current
±4% of full scale 0 - 500µA, 5mA, 250mA
±4% of scale length 0 - 5K, 500KΩ
Internal Battery
1.5V, size “AA”