Sterlco SSC Conveying Systems User Manual
Page 25

Page 24 of 38
1. Press the green START pushbutton in. The controller
will display “
✷✷✷” in the lower right corner of station and
pump setup screens.
Once the system has been started, each active station is
polled in sequence for a demand signal. The convey
sequence upon initiation, will continue until the set
convey time has elapsed or the demand signal stops,
whichever happens first. If the Special Timed Convey
feature is enabled, conveying will continue until the
convey time has elapsed. (Once station dump delay has
been initiated during the convey sequence, a new
demand signal will be ignored.) If the blowback
sequence begins immediately following the convey
sequence, the sequence valve will remain open
throughout the blowback sequence.
2. If during operation, a station conveys the specified
number of consecutive times without clearing the
demand signal, the NO CONVEY alarm will activate.
Press the ALARM SILENCE pushbutton and hold it in to
clear the alarm. The no convey alarm will sound in
3. Should the high vacuum pressure switch activate, the
HIGH VACUUM alarm will sound. Press the ALARM
SILENCE pushbutton and hold it in to clear the alarm.
The high vaccum alarm will sound in SHORT TONES.
4. If the pump motor contactor fails or the pump motor
overload trips, the PUMP FAULT alarm will be activated.
Press the ALARM SILENCE pushbutton and hold it in to
clear the alarm. The pump fault alarm will sound in a
5. To stop conveying, depress the green START
pushbutton. The controller will no longer display “
on the station and pump setup screens.