Chapter 5: maintenance – Sterlco SHA Series Hot Air Dryer User Manual
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Hot Air Dryers
Chapter 5: Maintenance
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Chapter 5: Maintenance
5-1 Maintaining Blower Motors
Models 60, 150, and 450
The Regenair Centrifugal Blowers are virtually maintenance-free with pre-lubricated
Model 1000, 1250, 1500, & 2500
The motor is self-lubricated for normal bearing life. For longest life, re-lubricate bearings
annually. Remove drain plug. Inject good quality NLGI Grade 2 grease into fill hole. Run
motor to discharge excess grease. Replace plug. Do not over-grease.
5-2 Cleaning the Air Filters
Models 60 and 150
The air filters slide out for cleaning at regular intervals depending on plan operating
conditions. Wash the filter in soap and water (not above 190 F/87 C). No oiling or other
treatment is necessary for this filter.
5-3 Cleaning the Cartridge Filters
Models 450 and 1500
These units are equipped with a cartridge type air filter. It must be inspected and cleaned
regularly depending on operating conditions. Remove the cover from the canister by
loosening the band clamp arrangement. Take out the filter cartridge and shake or vacuum
clean. Replace the cartridge if it cannot be cleaned. Remove all loose material from the
canister. Reassemble.
Do not run dryer without filter in place!
5-4 Adjusting the Temperature Safety Set Point
The temperature control on the hot air dryer has two set points.
• The process temperature set point is adjusted by turning the large numbered dial on
the face of the unit.
• The safety set point is set automatically as an interval above the process temperature
set point.
If the process air temperature exceeds the safety point set point level, the dryer will shut
down. The safety set point interval is factory-adjusted, but under certain circumstances, it
may be necessary to readjust. Readjust the safety set point using the following procedure:
1. Determine the number of degrees of separation you want between the process
temperature set point and the safety set point. (Example: 25˚ F)
2. Stabilize the process air temperature at a known value. (Example: 200˚ F)
3. Locate the safety set point separation adjustment. On the controls
manufactured by United Electric, the safety set point is trim pot 3 behind the