Prochem Crew Chief User Manual

Page 27

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Updating Firmware

For best functionality of the Crew Chief, it is necessary to keep the firmware current.

Determine if your machine is running the current firmware.

1. Go to to find the current version of firmware available.

2. Turn on Crew Chief.

3. When the menu display requests English or Spanish press middle button.

4. Read firmware version on display.

5. If the websites version is not the same as the machine’s version, the firmware will need to be updated.

Load firmware on Crew Chief

1. Download latest firmware version from

2. Place firmware file in root directory of a USB drive.

NOTE: USB flash drive must be 2GB or smaller capacity

3. Turn on Crew Chief. The screen displays a request to select English or Spanish, do not select either.

4. Press center button to enter the hidden firmware update submenu. Currently installed firmware version will be


5. Press the middle and right buttons simultaneously. Update FW? (firmware) is displayed, with No and Yes as

options. Pressing No will return the display to the top of the menu structure. Press Yes to continue through the

6. The display instructs to Insert USB drive into Crew Chief. Insert the USB drive that has the new firmware

installed and press OK. If the USB drive with new firmware is unavailable, Press Cancel to move back one
level in menu.

7. The screen displays the New firmware version on the USB drive and the Old version that is currently installed

on the Crew Chief. The only option is to press OK to continue.

8. If the version on the USB drive is not more recent than what is already installed in the Crew Chief then the

display prompts Download OK and Cancel. It is asking if you want to download the USB firmware anyway
even though it is not more recent than what is already installed on the machine. Press OK to continue the
process or Cancel to back out.

9. If OK was pressed in the previous steps then the processor will automatically go through the Verifying,

Uploading and Programming processes. The Crew Chief will show the progress on the display unless inter-
rupted with a CANCEL option choice. Do not stop the process in any other way.

Do not turn off Crew Chief or remove USB drive while programming firmware. Interrupting the program-
ming stage can create an unrecoverable state for the processor.

Ne pas éteindre Crew Chief ni enlever la clé USB lors de la programmation du micrologiciel. L'interruption
de la phase de programmation peut provoquer un état non récupérable du processeur.

10. When the screen displays Firmware Update Complete, remove USB drive and press OK to return to the top

menu level.

86339940 Crew Chief