Alliance Laundry Systems CI 2050/325 User Manual

Page 13

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Sound level measurement

Measuring points
The measuring points are defined as workplaces on the machine in question during normal operation.

Measuring method
The measuring result is an average of a measurement for 60 seconds, measured on the actual machine or on a

corresponding machine. The measuring result will appear as a LpA value. The result will have an uncertainty of ± 2 dB.

The LpA value is the reference workplace emission.

Measuring conditions
During the measurements, the machine will be equipped with legs or transport wheels and be located on a concrete floor.

Measuring equipment
The measurements are carried out with a noise meter approved for DIN IEC 651 Class 3.

Conversion table

Length: 1 m = 1,000 mm = 3.2808 ft = 39.3701 in

Weight: 1 kg = 1,000 g = 2.2046 lb

Area: 1 m² = 10.7639 ft² = 1.550 . 10³ in²

Volume: 1 m³ = 1,000 l = 35.3145 ft³ = 60.976 . 10³ in³

Temperature: °C = 0.556 . (°F - 32)
(0 °C = 32.0 °F)

Force: 1 N = 0.2248 lbf

Pressure: 1 Pa = 0.145 . 10



1 bar = 14.50 psi

Tension, mechanical: 1 N/mm² = 10


Pa = 145.0 lbf/in²

Energy, mechanical: 1 J = 947.8 . 10



Energy, electrical: 1 kWh = 3.412 . 10³ Btu

Effect: 1 kW = 3413 Btu/h = 1.341 hp

Momentum: 1 Nm = 737.1 . 10



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