ATN Mk6500 User Manual

Aries mk6500, American technologies network corp

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Aries Mk6500

u s e r ` s g u i d e

Commodities, products, technologies and services contained

in this user’s guide may be subject to one or more of the export

control laws and regulations of the U.S. Government and they

fall under the control jurisdiction of either the US Department of

State or the US Bureau of Industry and Security - US Depart-

ment of Commerce. It is unlawful and strictly prohibited to

export, or attempt to export or otherwise transfer or sell any

hardware or technical data or furnish any service to any foreign

person, whether abroad or in the United States, for which a

license or written approval of the U.S. Government is required,

without first obtaining the required license or written approval

from the Department of the U.S. Government having jurisdic-

tion. Diversion contrary to U.S. law is prohibited.
Export of night vision equipment is strictly prohibited without

a valid export license issued by the U.S. Department of State,

in accordance with International Traffic in Arms (ITAR), Title

22, Code of Federal Regulations Part 120-130 and or the US

BIS-Department of Commerce in accordance with the Export

Administration Regulations. For further information contact the

Office of Defense Trade Control @ (202) 663 2714.