Crystal FastCalXP Calibration Software User Manual
Crystal Software

SyStem RequiRementS
FastCalXP is a Windows application, and requires a security key and an nVision reference recorder, a
30 Series pressure calibrator, or an XP2i pressure gauge. A typical installation also includes a pressure
comparator, such as GaugeCalHP, to apply test pressures.
FastCalXP requires a personal computer running Windows XP Pro 32 bit SP3, Vista 32 bit SP2, Vista 64 bit
SP2, Windows 7 32 bit SP1, or Windows 7 64 bit SP1 with an available USB port for the security key, and
a serial port, or a second USB port if using the RS232 to USB adapter. An additional USB will be required
if using the optional foot switch. In order to create certificates using FastCalXP, Microsoft Excel versions
Viewer, 2003 SP3, 2007 SP2, 2010 must also be installed.
inStalling the SoftwaRe
If you have downloaded the software from the Internet, simply run the downloaded installation pro-
gram and follow the instructions to complete the installation.
If you have an installation CD, insert the CD into the drive on your computer and setup will run automat-
ically. If setup fails to start, run the SETUP.EXE from the CD. Follow the instructions in setup to complete
the installation.
uSing the SecuRity Key
In order for FastCalXP to operate, the enclosed security key must be plugged into any avail-
able USB port.
The security key is not a flash drive, and cannot be used for any purpose
other than operation of FastCalXP.
Without the security key installed, FastCalXP
will operate in a demonstration mode for 30 days with full functionality.
Once the demonstration period expires, you will be unable to
use FastCalXP without the security key installed.
SecuRity Key teRmS of uSe
The FastCalXP security key is your license to use FastCalXP.
Losing the key means that you have lost your license to operate FastCalXP.
The security key allows
operation of FastCalXP on whichever computer that key is plugged into. It is permissible to install
FastCalXP on multiple computers and use the key as a “floating” license.
DiSclaimeR of waRRanty
FastCalXP is provided “As Is.” Crystal Engineering Corporation does not and cannot warrant the performance or results that the purchaser may obtain by using the product. Crystal Engineering
Corporation makes no promises, representations, or warranties, express or implied, including, but not limited to, the product's condition, its conformity to any representation or description, the
existence of any latent or patent defects, any negligence, and its merchantability or fitness for a particular use.
Good data processing procedure dictates that any product be thoroughly tested with non-critical data before relying on it. The purchaser must assume the entire risk of using the product. Any liabil-
ity of Crystal Engineering Corporation for a defective product will be limited exclusively to replacement of purchaser's copy of the product with another copy or, if so selected by Crystal Engineering
Corporation in its sole discretion, refund of the initial amount paid by purchaser to Crystal Engineering Corporation for the product. In no event will Crystal Engineering Corporation or its suppliers
be liable to purchaser for any consequential, incidental or special damages, including any lost profits or lost savings, even if Crystal Engineering Corporation was advised of the possibility of such
damages, or for any claim by any third party.
FastCalXP Installation QuickStart
© 2013 Crystal Engineering Corporation
708 Fiero Lane, Suite 9, San Luis Obispo, California 93401-8701