Time Electronics 1007 DC Millivolt Potentiometer & Source User Manual
Page 8

1006/1007 Technical Manual
Calibration Procedure
1) Check zero output is correct as described on Page 6.
2) Select 999.9 mV range and ‘normal’ output polarity.
3) Set output digits to 9999.
4) Connect the accurate voltage source and microvolt null meter to the 1006 output in a
potentiometric mode.
5) Set the voltage source to 999.9mV output and adjust the ‘1V CAL’ trimmer on the module
to bring the 1006 output within specification. The maximum amount of adjustment
available on this trimmer is 0.8%.
6) Select 99.99 mV range on the 1006 and set the voltage source to 99.99 mV. Adjust the
‘100mV CAL’ trimmer to bring the output within specification. The maximum amount of
adjustment available on this trimmer is 0.8%.
7) The specified allowable errors for these two ranges are:
999.9mV range less than ± 550uV at f.s. output
99.99mV range less than ± 55uV at f.s. output
8) The 9.999mV range is obtained by resistive attenuation of the 999.9mV range. A 100:1
attenuation ratio is used and adjustment is by preselected resistor values. Unless
overload damage to the attenuator resistors has occurred, the calibration of the 1 volt
range will automatically ensure the calibration of the 9.999mV range. The specified
allowable error for this range is ± 6uV at f.s. output.
Note: All instruments with serial numbers later than 1320 incorporate an additional single
turn trimmer to adjust the f.s. calibration of this range.