1 description of device data, 1 resource block, 2 transducer block – KROHNE OPTIWAVE 6300C FOUNDATION FIELDBUS User Manual
Page 7: Operation
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4.1 Description of device data
4.1.1 Resource block
The Resource Block supplies data about the device for operation in the FOUNDATION Fieldbus
network. Its operation mode also has an effect on the data supplied by the device. The Resource
Block has these operation modes:
• Automatic (Auto), and
• Out of Service (OOS)
In Automatic mode, all resources (including Transducer and Function blocks) can operate
In the Out of Service mode, all blocks are in Out of Service mode and no measurement and status
data is supplied to the network. The blocks cannot change their mode until the Resource block
is set again to Automatic mode. If a block is in Out of Service mode, this is shown in its
BLOCK_ERR parameter.
4.1.2 Transducer block
The parameter MODE_BLK controls the mode set in the Transducer Block.
The Transducer Block has these modes:
• Automatic (Auto),
• Manual (MAN), and
• Out of Service (OOS)
In Automatic mode, the Transducer operates correctly and supplies measurement values and
status (PRIM_VAL_TYPE_0 to PRIM_VAL_TYPE_6).
The Transducer Block has a special error parameter XD_ERROR. If this parameter
displays the error ‘Electronics failure’, it is possible that the device will not operate correctly.
If the Transducer Block status does not change, please contact the local support desk of your