Getting started – KANOMAX S221-00 Handheld IAQ Monitor User Manual

Page 6

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3.1. Communication Setting

1. Confirm COM Port Number on the computer being connected by the communication cable.

(It can be confirmed by selecting [Control Panel] from Start Menu [System] [Device Manager].)

2. Confirm the baud rate on the IAQ Monitor. How to confirm is descried in the operation manual for IAQ

Monitor. The default value is 9600.

3. Startup the software, and select [Setup] from the menu bar [RS232C].

RS232C window shown below will be displayed. By clicking an arrow key, the setting can be changed.

4. For the Port Number use the same number on the computer side.

5. For the baud rate use the same value on the IAQ Monitor.

Other settings do not need to be changed.


A list of port number equipped on the
computer is displayed.

Baud rate

Select 4800, 9600*, 19200 or 38400.

Data Bit

Select either 7 or 8*.


Select Even, Odd or None*.

Stop Bit

Select 1*, 1.5 or 2.


Select None*, Xon/Xof, RTS or Xon/RTS.

*: values with * are default values.