Coghlan's 7925 Snake Bite Kit User Manual
Snake bite, Emergency procedures

Snake Bite
Emergency Procedures
Note: Venom from a poisonous snake bite
travels through the lymph system. Motion will
speed the flow – hence it is most important
that the victim lay down and remain calm.
• Usually two small puncture marks in the skin
• Burning pain and local swelling
• Area around bite discolors to purple or green
• Dry feeling in mouth
Regardless of which First Aid procedure below
is followed, the victim should be examined by
a doctor as soon as possible.
1. If antivenin is available, it should be
injected immediately.
2. If antivenin is not available, use the
constrictor suction method:
a. Crush the antiseptic ampule in your
fingers, remove the cardboard cover
and, using the saturated swab, clean
the entire area of the bite and the
scalpel blade.
b. Place the lymph constrictor around the
limb between the bite and the heart
within 1.5” of the wound. Tighten only
until the skin is dented. Insure there is
a pulse above and below the wound. The
intent is to merely retard the lymph flow.
If constrictor cannot be applied due to
location, simply proceed with the
balance of the treatment.
c. Remove body hair from bite area with
scalpel to ensure a smooth skin surface
for suction device.
d. Apply suction over bite by squeezing
the cup, placing it over the wound and
then releasing. Most of the venom
should be removed over a one hour
e. Every 10 minutes, or as swelling spreads,
loosen constrictor for 1 minute and
reapply a little closer to the heart just
beyond the swelling.
Do not administer alcohol or stimulants.
Alcohol will spread the flow of the venom
through the lymph system.
Note: Although the fatality rate from snake-
bite is less than 1% for a treated bite,
transportation to a hospital should be
done as soon as practical. If the victim
must walk, movement should be slow,
with frequent stops.
Continue to apply suction.
Non-poisonous snakes may also bite. In this
case, you will usually see two U-shaped
rows of fine tooth marks. The wound should
be cleaned with mild soap and water and
covered with a sterile dressing. An antibiotic
ointment could also be applied if available.
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