Camping – Airstream NTERSTATE User Manual
Page 45

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Before moving on, turn off the LP gas and water pump and lower your TV antenna.
Check your campsite, both for cleanliness and to be sure you haven’t left anything
behind. Make sure everything is properly stowed.
Overnight or Weekend Trips
On overnight or weekend trips, chances are you will not use up the capacity of the
holding tank, deplete the water supply, or run down the battery which supplies the
living area 12 volt current.
On a longer trip, when you have stayed where sewer connections and utility hookups
were not available, it will be necessary for you to stop from time to time to dispose of
the waste in the holding tank and replenish the water supply. Many gas stations (chain
and individually owned) have installed sanitary dumping stations for just this purpose.
Booklets are available which list these dumping stations.
When you stop for the night, your Airstream motorhome is built to be safely parked in
any spot that is relatively level and where the ground is firm. Your facilities are with you.
You are self- contained. Try to pick as level a parking spot as possible.
Making a long trip is not very different from making a weekend excursion. Since every-
thing you need is right at hand, you are at home wherever you go. When packing for an
extended trip, take everything you need, but only what you need.
When you plan to stay in the same place for several days, weeks or months, you will
want your motorhome to be as level as possible. Check the attitude with a small spirit
level set on the inside work counter. If a correction is necessary, then you must first
level from side to side. This can be done most easily by driving up a small ramp con-
sisting of 2” x 6” boards tapered at both ends. WE DO NOT RECOMMEND PLACING
TIRES IN A HOLE FOR LEVELING. Check the tire section of the chassis portion of this
manual for information on tire support.
Hook Up to Water by attaching a ½ “ minimum high-pressure water hose to the city
water service.
Plug the
Electrical Cable into the City Power Service. Be sure you have the wire
grounded and have the proper polarity. See Electrical Section for technical details.
Cable/Satellite TV /Telephone Hookup is located on the outside of the mo-
torhome. It is already wired into the existing system, so the exterior connection is all
that is required.
To use the
Generator you simply start it. All switching is done automatically. The gen-
erator can be started from the switch above the galley. It is easier on your generator
and appliances if you’ll allow the generator to reach its normal operating speed (about
a minute) prior to applying heavy current loads.
Hook your
Waste Drain Hose into the Sewer Disposal Facility and attach to the
drain outlet in your motorhome. For details on this procedure see Drain and Waste
System Section.
Turn on the gas supply. Lighting a top range burner to bleed any air from the system
will make it easier to start other appliances.
When you stay for extended periods where electric or water hookups are not avail-
able, you must make regular checks on the condition of your 12-volt battery and the
contents of your water tank. Carry drinking water in a clean bucket to refill your tank.
When your waste tank nears capacity, move your motorhome to a dumping location.