USGlobalsat ER-411 User Manual
Page 12

Specifications are subject to be changed without notice.
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Version 1.3.1
Longitude position, it is assumed positive east of Greenwich
and negative west of Greenwich Float, possibly signed
Altitude position float, possibly signed
Clock Offset of the receiver in Hz, use 0 for last saved value if
If this is unavailable, a default value of 75000 for GSP1, 95000 for GSP1/LX
is used.
GPS Time Of Week
GPS Week Number
Number of channels to use. 1-12
bit mask
0×02=clear ephemeris warm start=1
0×04=clear memory. Cold start=1
Example: Start using known position and time.
F.) Development Data On/Off ID:105 Switch Development Data Messages On/Off
Use this command to enable development debug information if you are having trouble in attaining
commands accepted. Invalid commands will generate debug information that should enable the user
to determine the source of the command rejection. Common input rejection problems are associated
to invalid checksum or parameter out of specified range. Note, this setting is not preserved across a
module reset.
Format: $PSRF105,
Example: Debug On
Example: Debug Off
G). Select Datum ID:106 Selection of datum to be used for coordinate transformations
GPS receivers perform initial position and velocity calculations using an earth-centered earth-fixed
(ECEF) coordinate system. Results may be converted to an earth model (geoid) defined by the
selected datum. The default datum is WGS 84 (World Geodetic System 1984) which provides a
worldwide common grid system that may be translated into local coordinate systems or map Datum.
(Local map Datum are a best fit to the local shape of the earth and not valid worldwide.)
Datum select TOKYO_MEAN