Prepare to install front suspension – Trail Master 6.0 Inch Knuckle Suspension Lift Kit with Rear NGS Shocks (TM407N) User Manual

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See factory service manual for torque values
when re-using OE fasteners.


Adhere to recommendations when replace-
ment fasteners, retainers and keepers are
called out in the factory service manual.
When re-assembling the vehicle it is recom-
mended by the vehicle manufacturer that cer-
tain fasteners are replaced in order to main-
tain proper retention characteristics. This sys-
tem may not include all replacement hard-
ware as recommended by the factory service
manual. Additional replacement hardware
should be obtained prior to installation of this
system to meet the requirements of the fac-
tory service manual.

Engine Compartment

1.Disconnect both battery cables. Disconnect
negative cable first, then positive cable.

Prepare to Install Front


Front Suspension

1.Loosen, but do not remove, lug nuts on

each front wheel.

2.If working without a shop hoist, use a hy-

draulic floor jack to slowly lift front axle until

front tires are 3-5” off ground. Position jack

stands under frame behind lower control arm

perches. Lower vehicle onto jack stands

while maintaining hydraulic jack pressure un-

derneath front axle.

3. Remove lug nuts and front wheels from


4.Remove Sway Bar from vehicle.

a. On both sides of vehicle, remove Nut at

bottom of lower control arm connecting link to

lower control arm.

b. Unbolt Sway Bar Clamps at Frame rail on

both sides of vehicle and remove Sway Bar

from vehicle.

5. Remove spindle from vehicle.

a. Disconnect vacuum line attached to 4WD

vacuum assembly.

b. Note the routing of the brake line, make

sketch if needed for routing of new brake line

later during installation.

c. Unbolt brake caliper and remove from spin-

dle. Zip-Tie out of the way.


Use extreme caution when lifting vehicle from
ground. To prevent serious personal injury, prop-
erly position the lifting device.


Do not allow caliper to hang by brake line. Damage
to brake line and/or caliper could occur. Personal
injury could occur if brake caliper or line is dam-

Lower Nut on bottom
side of Lower Control