Adder Technology AdderTech SmartView XPro ADD0038/1 User Manual

Page 16

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SmartView XPro

Installation and Use

Page 16

Any unused computer connections can be left unconnected. To connect computers
with serial mouse connections and AT style keyboard connections use the adapters
specified in appendix A. If you have an existing 6-pin mini-DIN to 9-pin serial adapter
that came with a mouse it may not be suitable for use with the SmartView as the are
several different standard wiring configurations for these adapters. Suitable serial
adapters are supplied in Adder's AT cable kits (part codes VKVM-2M-AT, VKVM-
5M-AT and VKVM-10M-AT - see appendix A)

The SmartView is now ready for connection to the mains using the mains power
adapter supplied. It is important to apply power to the SmartView first, then power on
the monitor and each of the computers in turn. Failure to switch the SmartView and
computers on in the correct order can lead to the mouse and/or keyboard not being
recognised by the computers when they are switched on.

You may attach the power adapter to either power inlet A or power inlet B (see
figure 2). There ports are both the same and are provided to enable you to connect
a redundant (spare) power supply (see section 4.2 for more details). Connect your
power adapter to either of the power inlet ports to power on the SmartView XPro.
There is no ON/OFF switch and the SmartView will start to operate as soon as the
power is applied.