Tele Vue 102 User Manual

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The two tension screws on the top of the focuser body can be adjusted to add resistance when using
heavy eyepieces. These tension screws tighten against a brass clamp ring, which then cinches down
on the teflon sleeve in which the draw tube slides. For photography it is not necessary to tighten beyond
the need to keep a camera stationary. Even when sufficiently tight, the focuser knobs can still drive the
draw tube. The two lock screws in the end of the draw tube also tighten against a brass clamp ring for
extra holding power on the diagonal or other accessories.

1.2 Ring Mount and Balancing

The Ring Mount permits easy telescope balancing. If you are using a Tele Vue Gibraltar, first unlock the
brass vertical motion tension knobs then unlock the “bat handle”, on the Ring Mount, reposition the
telescope by sliding it fore or aft and re-lock. This permits balancing heavy and light eyepieces,
cameras, etc. It may also be helpful to use our Bronze “Equalizer” (BEC-0005) in place of the standard
Hi-Hat 2”-1¼” Adapter when using light-weight eyepieces. The extra weight can balance heavier 2”
eyepieces so you may not need to shift the tube in the Ring Mount at all, when changing eyepieces.

1.3 Eyepieces

Tele Vue eyepieces offer a range of magnifications from 16x to over 200x, with the Tele Vue-102.
We recommend choosing low and medium power eyepieces in ratios of field stop diameters. For
example, factors of 1.4 or 2.0. When choosing higher power eyepieces, use ratios of magnification.
(see reference chart in the “Choosing Your Eyepieces” article.

1.4 Photography

For prime focus photography at 880mm f/8.6 using a 35mm SLR, use camera adapter (part# ACM-
2000). For flat field astrophotography at 700mm f/6.9, use the Tele Vue 0.8x reducer/flattener, (part#
RFL-4087). The RFL-4087 also requires use of the 2” adapter (part# RAD-1074) and T-ring Adapter (Part #

Tele Vue Powermates with optional T-ring adapters provide a variety of options for

extending focal length. To reach focus with the Powermates requires our 3.5” extension tube.


photography can be done using our various digital camera to eyepiece adapters. For Piggyback 35mm
SLR photography, attach the Piggy-Cam platform, (part# PGC-1001) to the Ring Mount.

Mounting points are provided on top of the focuser body and draw tube for easy installation of the

Digital Micrometer Kits (part#s RMK-2002 or RMF-2003). These kits allow imagers to index focus position
to within 0.0001”, providing a very convenient way of finding best focus, returning to it, or checking that
it hasn’t changed. The Focusmate


dual speed focus accessory (part# TFM-2000) with its 6:1 focus

reduction is highly recommended for extraordinarily fine focus adjustment for critical focusing. The Focus-
mate Driver (part# FDU-2003) adds hands free motorized focusing and the Focusmaster permits remote
PC focusing via ASCOM compliant focusing software. For installation, setup and use of the Digital
Micrometer Kit, Focusmate


, Focusmate Driver and Focusmaster™, see the instructions included with


1.5 Caring for the Tele Vue-102

Tele Vue-102 requires no special care. Treat it as you would any fine camera lens. Use the lens cap when
the telescope is being stored or not in use. The captive dew shield provides protection from glare, helps
protect the lens from dust or spray blown in by the wind and minimizes dew formation on the lens.

If dew forms on the lens during cold weather, it is best to use an electric hair dryer (on the lowest

setting) to gently warm it away. A few specks of dust will have no effect on the quality of the image, and
may be gently blown off with a squeeze bulb. Do not use compr

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Do not use compressed air cans to blow dust of

essed air cans to blow dust of

essed air cans to blow dust of

essed air cans to blow dust of

essed air cans to blow dust off any

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optical surfaces.





Fingerprints, however should be cleaned off. Though the anti-reflection coatings are durable, they

are easily scratched. The simplest cleaning method is to moisten a very soft, lint-free tissue, cloth, “Q-Tip”
or surgical cotton with a lens or glass cleaner and gently whisk away the stain. Do not apply any solutions
directly to the glass surfaces. After every cleaning stroke, use a fresh applicator. The fewer strokes the
better! Any residual “film” will not affect visual performance.