Rune plants – AeroGarden 7-Pod User Manual
Page 21

Tending Your Garden
Your Garden may need pruning to keep plants at
about the same height and to control growth. Use
garden shears or scissors to prune . Here are some gen-
eral guidelines on pruning various plant types .
Fruiting Plants with Upright Main Stem (First prune)
(such as dwarf tomatoes, peppers, and eggplant)
Early pruning of this plant helps strengthen the main
stem and encourages plant to branch out . A strong plant
with many branches will be able to bear the weight of
much fruit without tipping over .
rune Plants
Cut main stem just
above 5
branch .
From base of plant, follow main
stem up past first 5 branches .
Fruiting Plants with Upright Main Stem (Ongoing)
Fruiting plants grown in an AeroGarden require ongoing
pruning to control plant height and spreading .
Controlling Height
Use scissors to cut
branches that are growing
into light(s) . Follow branch
to where it meets another
branch – make cut just
before this junction .
Continued on next page