Abbingdon Music Research Reference Class Proffessional Monitor LS-77 User Manual
Page 29

With the person speaking and continuing to walk toward the listening position while talking at the same level,
listen for the next change in the voice's tonal quality. This will be the first interaction of the opposite wall and
should sound like a loss of focus that seems to resonate because of the side and rear wall reflections. Again,
mark the position on the floor when the artifact first appeared with tape. You now have the front and back
borders of the ZOLI.
Using the same procedures, but with the person speaking starting at the side walls and walking across the room
in front of the listening position, you can now determine the left and right boundaries of the ZOLI. Again, as the
person speaking walks away from the side walls, you should hear the voice freed up from the bass reinforcement
provided by the side walls, eventually reaching a point where the opposite wall begins to interact with the voice.
Repeat this for the left and right side walls, again marking the borders with tape.
Now if you do this alone, you may find that the borders are marked fairly different for the various walls. Simply
using these borders would result in an asymmetrical arrangement of the speakers. So take some measurements
and average all the different borders you came up with. Then re-arrange the tape to reflect the symmetrical
average of your various positions. After performing these procedures you will have two ZOLI's, like the squares
drawn around the speakers in the illustration.
To accommodate the AMR LS-77, simply adhere to the basic angles of around 60 degree and to the 1:1.1 to
1:1.25 ratio of listener distance from the speakers vs. Speaker-to-Speaker distance for the triangle formed by
listener and speakers. The triangle in the drawing overleaf is a fine starting point to help you locate your listening
seat prior to utilising the further steps of the AASR.
It's time now, to place your speakers and stands in these zones. For the time being, leave off any spikes or feet
because you will have to move the speakers in the following fine tuning process. Sliding the stands with smooth
undersides is a lot easier than dealing with spiked stands or enclosures.