Agilent Technologies 16700 User Manual
Page 86

Key Specifications* and Characteristics (continued)
Agilent Model Number
16710A, 16711A, 16712A
Maximum state acquisition rate on
100 Mb/s
each channel
Maximum timing sample rate
Conventional: 500/250 MHz
(half/full channel)
Transitional: 125 MHz
Maximum channel count on a
204 (2 modules)
single time base and trigger
Memory depth
16710A: 16/8K [1]
(half/full channel)
16711A: 64/32K [1]
16712A: 256/128k [1]
Trigger resources
Patterns: 10
Ranges: 2
Edge & Glitch: 2
Timers: 2
Maximum trigger sequence levels
State mode: 12
Timing mode: 10
Maximum trigger sequence speed
125 MHz
Trigger sequence level branching
Dedicated next state or
single arbitrary branching
Number of state clocks/qualifiers
Setup/hold time*
4.0 ns window adjustable from
4.0/0 ns to 0/4.0 ns in 500 ps
increments [2] per 34 channels
Threshold range
TTL, ECL, user-definable ±6.0 V
adjustable in 50 mV increments
* All specifications noted by an asterisk are the performance standards against which the product is tested.
[1] Memory depth doubles in half-channel timing mode only.
[2] Minimum setup/hold time specified for single-clock, single-edge acquisition. Single-clock, multi-edge setup/hold
add 0.5 ns. Multi-clock, multi-edge setup/hold window add 1.0 ns.
State/Timing Modules Specifications and