Rainbow e2 (Gold) User Manual

Owner’s manual, Message from rexair written warranty

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Rexair sells the

Rainbow Cleaner only to independent Authorized Distributors who are

experienced in direct in-the-home selling. Since Rexair does not market its product

through national advertising, awareness of the product is created by the individual efforts

of thousands of direct selling “dealers,” who, by means of in-home demonstrations

create interest in the

Rainbow Cleaner in their local communities. The independent

Authorized Distributors with whom those dealers are affi liated assume the responsibility

for the legitimate distribution and service of the

Rainbow Cleaner directly through their

own dealers, or indirectly through independent subdistributors and their dealers.
Rexair further requires that each Authorized Distributor make prompt and workmanlike

service available through its own service outlets or through responsible independent

service outlets in those communities in which it sells Rexair products through its

independent subdistributors and dealers.
Do not lose the name and address of the Dealer or Distributor from whom you bought


Rainbow Cleaner. Contact him or her for advice on caring for your Rainbow,

warranty coverage, service, and the nearest service outlet.
Rexair is highly selective regarding those it appoints as its direct customers, the

Authorized Distributors. However, Rexair has no agreement or legal relationship with

the independent resellers who acquire products directly or indirectly from an Authorized

Distributor, and can only attempt to correct any customer complaints about such

resellers by acting through the responsible Authorized Distributor. Rexair’s announced

policy is to hold each Authorized Distributor responsible for remedying the results of any

statement or action by any of the independent resellers that may result in a complaint

from any member of the buying public.
Should you have any problem or have any question regarding the above, you should

fi rst contact the Distributor or Dealer from whom you purchased your

Rainbow. If you

have any problem locating that person, contact Rexair’s Customer Service Department

at the address listed below, being sure that you include your

Rainbow’s Serial Number.

They will immediately send you the name, address and phone number of the responsible

Authorized Distributor for your area. If you feel you are not receiving proper assistance

from the Authorized Distributor, please contact us immediately. All of our Authorized

Distributors know their obligations.
For any additional information or assistance write to:

Rexair, 50 W. Big Beaver Road, Suite 350, Troy, Michigan 48084 U.S.A.

(248) 643-7222 or fax to (248) 643-7676. You can visit Rexair’s Web Site at:

Rexair provides to its Authorized Distributors, and only to them, a written four-year

warranty on its vacuum cleaner and attached accessories and an eight-year warranty

on the vacuum cleaner motor and controller. Replacement parts can be new or

remanufactured as provided at Rexair’s sole discretion. These warranties do not cover

normal wear-and-tear arising from usage of the products. Even though Rexair, as the

manufacturer, does not deal directly with the consumer nor provide the consumer with

a written warranty, the law imposes certain responsibilities on all manufacturers who

make consumer products. The products must not be defective and must be generally

fi t for their intended uses. These implied warranties of merchantability and fi tness

are honored by Rexair. Further, Rexair requires each Authorized Distributor to pass

through to the consumer, by way of the Authorized Distributor’s own written warranty,

the benefi t of Rexair’s warranty to such Distributor.
Rexair sells the Rainbow to its Authorized Rainbow Distributors for resale by

those Distributors and their agents solely through in-home demonstrations to

ultimate user-owners. Any other sale is strictly prohibited. Any product purchased

in any other sale is not covered by the authorized warranties.


Printed in U.S.A.

©Rexair 2006

Owner’s Manual